S2: E4 Stuck

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"You excited for your first day back?" Buck walked into Y/N's apartment using his key.

"Honestly? No. I'm not ready to see Dad." Y/N looked over from the kitchen where she was eating a slice of toast.

"Yeah, I know the talk didn't go as well as any of us thought." Buck grabbed a piece of bacon from Y/N's plate and ate it.

"But I'm the only one that has consequences of the truth." Y/N looked at Buck.

"Have you guys spoken since?" Buck watched Y/N carefully.

"It's been a couple days. So, no. We haven't. I tried calling and texting but, he's set on ignoring me." Y/N looked away from Buck.

"I'm sorry. We should've left it alone." Buck put his arm around Y/N.

"No. You guys were right. I needed to tell him." Y/N nodded to herself.

"Have you been sleeping?" Buck watched her worriedly.

"Not much." Y/N glanced at Buck.

"Do you dream about being back under the debris?" Buck grabbed juice from the fridge.

"Not exactly. It's more about what I saw when I was out of it." Y/N put her plate in the sink.

"You know, maybe you should see a therapist." Buck watched her concerned.

"I did. After the fire, and then again after the car accident. I know what to do to move on." Y/N gave him a shrug.

* Firehouse*

"How is your arm?" Buck glanced at Y/N as they walked into the fire house.

"Healing. Doctor said I can come back to work, just no heavy lifting with this arm." Y/N glanced around nervously.

"Buck, saddle up. We've got a call." Bobby didn't spare Y/N a look.

"And so the fun begins." Y/N looked at Buck.

"Yes it does." Buck turned to her.

* On Scene *

"LAFD. Step back." Bobby got out of the truck, the others following.

"Please help me! Please help me! Someone help me please!" George shouted from the alleyway, he was stuck between two buildings.

"Woah. Whatever you do, brother, don't suck in that gut." Chimney looked up.

"How we doing, George?" Bobby looked at George as they got to the roof.

"I can't..I can't feel my legs. And I think my ankle's broken." George glanced up at them.

"Sir, you have any idea how long you've been down there?" Hen looked out the window.

"I saw the sun come up." George's voice was shaky.

"Well, he's wedged in there pretty good." Buck glanced at Bobby.

"How's your breathing?" Hen watched George from above.

"I can't really take a deep breath." George shivered.

"Hey, George, can..can you show us how high up you can reach? If we can drop you a line, we may be able to pull you up." Buck looked down.

"Okay." George shook.

"Nice and slow, George." Hen watched as he reached up.

"That's it. Woah, easy." Buck watched as George started to slip.

"George, just..keep hanging in there, we will get you out." Bobby looked down.

"What are you thinking, Cap?" Chimney glanced at Bobby.

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