S4: E3 Future Tense

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This is by far the longest chapter I have ever written, so please try to enjoy it.
Also, I'm going to bed now as it is 1:31am, I just really wanted to do this chapter for you guys, cause you're all amazing.
I love you all.

"LAFD." Bobby rang the doorbell as they walked over to the house.

"Dispatch said the patient was unconscious." Buck looked at Bobby confused as to why he rang the bell.

"They also said it was a smart home." Bobby glanced at Y/N knowing her distaste for robots.

"Welcome Los Angeles Fire Department." A robotic voice opened the front door for them.

"Oh, no. No way. Nuh uh. I'm out." Y/N shook her head at the house turning to leave.

"Am I the only one beside Fi really creeped out right now?" Hen looked at the house.

"No." Bobby put his mask on, as the boys all spoke at the same time.

"Fi, it can't hurt you. And I'll protect you if it tries." Hen reassured Y/N as the others looked at her.

"Come on, let's go." Bobby opened the shower as they got inside.

"Let's see what we got here." Chimney went over to the victim.

"All right, what are his vitals?" Bobby watched Hen and Chimney.

"Pulse is steady. Scalp is lacerated. Probably a concussion. Anthony, can you hear us?" Hen raised her voice looking at the victim.

"Looks like first or maybe second degree burns from the water. His veins are collapsed. Probably hypovolemia. We'll need a line in his ankle." Chimney looked at Bobby as Y/N glanced around uneasily.

"There's still shampoo in his hair. He fell down with the water on. So, who turned it off?" Bobby frowned at them confused.

"Probably the same thing that let us in here and that is watching us as we speak." Y/N gave Bobby a forced smile making them all turn to look at her.

"What? Can we please hurry this up so that we can leave?" Y/N frowned wanting nothing more but to get far away from this house.

"That thing just said my name and brought up a list of coffee makers. All because I mentioned the coffee machine I wanted to get." Eddie whispered into Y/N's ear not wanting Hildy to hear.

"Okay, I tried. I can't stay in here. I'll be in the truck." Y/N turned and walked back outside.

"Why would you tell her that?" Chimney looked at Eddie in disbelief.

"I don't know. I'm freaked out." Eddie shrugged glancing around the room.

"Hello, Fi. Here is a list of psychiatrists that specialise in robophobia." Hildy turned a screen on as Y/N walked past.

"No, no, no. No, no, no, no." Y/N ran out of the house, climbing into the truck and throwing her jacket over her head to hide from Hildy.

"Hey, Fi." Buck frowned as he opened the truck door.

Eddie climbed into the truck, taking her jacket off her and holding her close as she buried her face in his chest.

* After Shift At Eddie's Place *

"So, you've got your dress?" Eddie looked at Y/N as they sat at the table.

"Yes, dresses and suits are all sorted. Cake has been chosen, flowers are decided, rings are agreed on. Venue is all sorted. Invites have been sent out..we've discussed the wedding roles. I feel like we're missing something." Y/N nodded along as she listed everything.

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