S2: E13 Fight or Flight

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* Grant Family Dinner From Previous Episode *

"I don't understand why your Mother would reorganise the entire kitchen while we're at work." Bobby glanced at Athena as Y/N helped them look for a strainer.

"Oh, she said it was impossible for her to find anything in this kitchen." Athena moved around the kitchen.

"So she retaliated by making it impossible for us to find anything?" Bobby kept checking cupboards.

"Found it." Athena pulled out the strainer.

"Finally." Y/N smiled in relief.

"Ah. Thank you." Bobby took it from her with a smile.

"What is this?" Athena walked over to the kitchen table.

"Oh, that is Harry's science project. Michael had that conference, so I was helping him out with it. Harry was supposed to put it away, but tell you what..I will move it." Bobby looked over at Athena as Y/N went to help Athena set the table.

"That boy has you wrapped around his finger. You do know, someday, you're gonna have to go from being best buddy Bobby to stepdad Bobby." Athena smiled at Y/N as she chuckled at Bobby.

"You are right. I will have him put it away. If you can both help me find the damn cheese grater, please." Bobby smiled at the two.

"Sure thing, Dad." Y/N shook her head amused.

"I'm sorry to interrupt, guys. Hey, Harry. I need you to clear the table so we can eat." Bobby walked into the other room.

"Okay. In a minute." Harry glanced up at Bobby.

"No, not in a minute. Now. Please." Bobby looked at Harry before going to return to the kitchen.

"Who are you to give orders? They are not your children, and you are not their Father." Beatrice looked at Bobby.

Y/N looked at Athena who's face fell, hearing the conversation, as Y/N walked into the other room.

"I was very sorry to hear about your family's situation, but my grandchildren are not your consolation prize." Beatrice glanced between Bobby and Y/N.

"I'm sorry, I.." Bobby was stopped by Athena walking over.

"Kids." Athena looked at May and Harry, and they went to their rooms.

"Apologise Mama." Athena stared down her Mother.

"It's all right, Athena, she doesn't have to.." Bobby tried to interfere.

"Yeah, she does. If she wants to stay in this house tonight, she does." Athena watched Beatrice as Y/N watched from the side.

"I'm sorry I said that in front of the children." Beatrice glanced at Athena quietly.

"You shouldn't have said it at all. It is none of your business." Athena glared at Beatrice as Bobby glanced at Y/N.

"I am tired of you deciding what's my business, Athena. You didn't tell me you were seeing this man, much less that he proposed. Just like last year. My baby May almost died, and you didn't say a word for over a month?" Beatrice got to her feet watching Athena.

"Because she is not your baby girl. She's mine. And Michael and I needed to focus all of our energy and our attention in her, not you." Athena shot back.

"I would have wanted to help." Beatrice argued with Athena.

"You never want to help. You just want to tell me where I screwed up." Athena was on the edge of breaking as she spoke.

"Because you never learn. You just jump into everything without thinking it through, without considering the consequences. I'm going to move to Los Angeles. I'm gonna drop out of law school. I'm gonna become a cop. I'm gonna marry a gay man. I'm gonna marry a white man. Sometimes I think it's a miracle those kids are alive.." Beatrice crossed the line.

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