S3: E17 Powerless

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"It all looks so romantic till someone has to call 911. I heard dispatch gets a lot of calls from these things." Buck looked at Eddie.

"Maddie tell you that?" Eddie watched Buck.

"Uh, no. Someone else." Buck glanced at Y/N as she watched him knowingly.

"Oh, my God. Please, please help." The Mother ran over to them as they arrived.

"How old is your daughter, ma'am?" Bobby looked at the woman.

"She's 10." The Mother breathed in panic.

"Does she have a phone with her?" Bobby watched as the others came over.

"No, I thought she was too young." The Mothers voice was smothered in guilt.

"Look, there's a radio up in the basket. That's how Nick and I communicate. Mines in the truck." A man looked at Bobby.

"Okay. Go, get it." Bobby gave him a nod.

"Cap, they issued a wind advisory for this area, possible 40 mile an hour gusts." Buck looked at Bobby.

"Those ropes don't look like they reach more than 30 feet. She needs to get lower." Eddie looked at the hot air balloon in the distance.

"You know how to land one of these?" Bobby looked at the man as he returned with the radio.

"Yeah." He gave Bobby a nod.

"Good. I need you to teach her." Bobby turned back to the balloon.

They were driving in the trucks, as the Mother tried to speak to Sophie through the radio.

"Mum? Where are you?" Sophie's voice was shaky.

"Baby, I'm right behind you. We're.. we're in a fire truck, and we're following you." The Mother had worried tears in her eyes.

"It won't stop. It's flying faster." Sophie talked into the radio.

"Okay, let's go. Fi! Don't wait for us." Bobby jumped out of the truck as the balloon got lower.

Y/N was the first to get to the balloon, grabbing one of the ropes and the others joined in, so that the balloon wouldn't go anywhere.

Buck and Y/N jumped into the basket as it lifted slightly from the wind.

"We got it." Buck looked at Bobby.

"Hey, you alright?" Y/N looked at Sophie as she helped her to her feet.

"I think so..where's my Mum?" Sophie looked at Y/N.

"She's coming. Buck." Y/N lifted Sophie out of the basket and to Buck who helped her down.

"Sophie!" Her mum hugged her tightly in relief.

* At Eddie's Place *

"Can I read Eva and Henry a story?" Christopher looked at Eddie and Y/N as they did the dishes.

"Of course you can, sunshine." Y/N smiled at him.

"Yes!" Christopher grinned excitedly.

"Come on." Eddie messed up Christopher's hair.

"You two have a wonderful big brother who wants to read you a bed time story." Y/N and Eddie picked up the twins.

"And a beautiful Mum." Eddie kissed the top of Y/N's head softly.

* The Next Day On Call *

"Ma'am, LAFD. Stay where you are. Don't try to get out." Bobby glanced over at the woman in the truck.

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