S6: E4 Animal Instincts

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"Dispatch said a tree fell on a victim." Hen frowned confused.

"Yeah, but probably not how you're imagining. He was standing underneath the root of a fallen tree when it snapped back up on top of him." The guy led them over.

"Cause that's a thing that happens." Chimney glanced at Y/N and she shrugged.

"Well, sometimes after storms or if other debris pinning the down tree falls away, the tension from the root system still underground can pull it back up." The guy looked at Chimney.

"Like a mighty old slingshot." Eddie carried the shovel.

"That ways several tonnes." Buck watched Eddie.

"Hurry I can hear him moaning under there!" A woman beckoned them over in a panicked state.

"Okay. All right. That's good. It means he's still alive. All right, Eddie, Chimney start digging access holes on the side." Hen looked at the tree.

"Copy that." Eddie and Chimney started digging in sync.

"Everyone in position to pull!" Hen glanced around as they all did as she said.

"Don't you dare fall on me." Y/N looked at Buck infront of her as they got ready to pull.

"No promises." Buck laughed, glancing at her.

"All right, on my mark. One, two, three." Hen watched them pull the rope.

Buck pulled Y/N close as they moved out of the way just in time for the tree to collapse where they'd been standing.

"Timber." Buck looked at Y/N.

"Good song." Y/N nodded and Buck smiled as he nodded back.

Y/N watched as the guy tried to flirt with the victim's sister and ask her out but it wasn't successful.

* Eddie's Place *

"This is the wrong kind of mayo." Christopher looked at the Mayo.

"It was on sale." Eddie gave Christopher a look.

"You know, Dad, sometimes you get what you pay for." Christopher smiled at Eddie.

"Great. Raising an economist snob." Eddie closed the fridge.

"Daddy! Chrissy!" Henry ran into the kitchen having just got home.

"What happened to you, little miss?" Eddie looked at Eva who Y/N was carrying as Christopher hugged Henry with a smile.

"She fell over at daycare. Hurt her knee." Y/N looked at Eva who was hiding her face and crying.

"Okay, guess what? Super Dad is here!" Eddie took Eva from Y/N, sitting her on the table to take a look at her knee.

* The Next Day *

"He's been lying. Right to our faces." Eddie poured himself coffee.

"Has he never lied to you before?" Hen glanced over at Eddie.

"I mean, little things, like did he brush his teeth before he went to bed, or did he put the empty milk carton back into the fridge. But not like this." Eddie sat down at the table.

"Hey, Dad!" Y/N walked into Bobby's office as the three kept talking.

"Fi, what's up?" Bobby looked up from his desk.

"So, I've been working on an autobiography, because I thought, hey why not? And I was just wondering if you could check the parts about my early childhood. Just want to make sure I didn't miss anything." Y/N watched Bobby.

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