S4: E10 Parenthood

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"I was jumping on the trampoline and a spring flew off." The kid led them to where his Mum was.

"Okay." Bobby gave a nod making his way over to her.

"And it almost killed me." The woman glanced at Bobby as he took a look.

"All right. Let's see what we got. Looks like she's pinned to the wall in two places. All right, let's go, let's go." Bobby glanced over at them.

"Ma'am, don't move. Any movement could cause that spring to shift, and that would not be good." Hen rushed over to the woman.

"Must've been travelling at top speed. Put a hole right through her hand. And her torso." Eddie looked at the springs.

"Is she gonna be okay?" The kid walked over with a worried frown.

"Give us some space. We're gonna take real good care of your Mum. I promise." Bobby stopped him from going to his Mum.

"Can you move your fingers?" Eddie looked at her.

"I think so." The woman moved her fingers against the wall.

"Good. Means the spring likely missed the tendon. No nerve damage." Eddie glanced at Bobby.

"Oh, thank God. It's my selfie hand." The woman sighed in relief.

"Pulse is slightly elevated, but BP's normal. Miraculously she's stable. Getting bilateral breath sounds. Spring likely didn't puncture her lungs, but it's probably millimetres away from her spine. I can pack the wound but I don't know how to detach her from the barn." Hen looked at Eddie.

"We don't. Transport her with it, donkey and all. Where's Buck?" Bobby frowned noticing it was quieter than usual.

"This is a circular saw. This blade is strong enough to cut through anything. Even metal." Buck stood over with the kids.

"I'll bet it could slice through bone too." One of the kids smiled.

"Buck, we need that saw!" Bobby looked over at Buck.

* Back At The Firehouse *

"Do you guys smell something baking?" Buck looked at the others as they got back with a frown.

"Yeah, I do." Bobby headed to the stairs.

The four of them walked upstairs to find Y/N baking in the kitchen.

"Fi? What are you doing here?" Eddie frowned at her.

"I got bored, waiting for my forced therapy appointment. So, thought I'd come and bake you guys some food." Y/N shrugged at them making them glance at each other.

"Looks like you've baked for all of the LAFD." Hen looked at the baked goods covering the bench.

"Well, you all have different favourites, so I figured I'd make them all. Oh, and I made a shepherds pie for your lunch. It's in the oven." Y/N looked at Hen.

"What time is your appointment?" Eddie watched her.

"In about an hour. I'll just finish up here and get going." Y/N reassured Eddie.

"How'd you even get here?" Bobby looked at her confused.

"I walked." Y/N turned to Bobby as if it was obvious.

"How is therapy going?" Hen took a bite from a cookie as Buck glanced at Y/N.

"It's not as bad as I thought it would be." Y/N turned to Hen.

"You haven't been going, have you?" Eddie frowned at her reaction.

"Oh, she's been going. She just hasn't necessarily been talking." Buck watched Y/N.

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