S6: E6 Tomorrow

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"It's weird without Hen here, am I right?" Chimney looked around at them.

"Yeah. I don't think I like it very much." Buck glanced at where Hen usually sat.

"She's going after what she wants. It's a good thing." Eddie shrugged at them.

"Edmundo is right. It'll be weird for a while, but we'll get used to it and still be a family." Y/N reassured them all.

"All right. Breakfast is ready." Bobby smiled at the four of them.

* On Scene *

"All right, guys, suit up. We're heading inside." Bobby walked over to them.

"Hey, isn't this where Karen works?" Eddie frowned at Chimney.

"Yep. Why do you think Fi's trying to call her?" Chimney glanced at Y/N.

"You think Hen knows?" Buck watched them.

"Yep." Chimney nodded looking behind Buck as a car pulled up.

Y/N put her phone away as she watched Hen run over to Denny as he was evacuated.

"Karen didn't come out with him." Y/N didn't move her gaze.

"What do we know?" Hen looked at Bobby.

"Not much. But we're heading inside now to put out some fires and look for survivors." Bobby watched Hen.

"Okay. I'll suit up." Hen moved toward the engine.

"Hen. No, you're not going inside." Bobby stopped her.

"What? My wife is in there, of course I am." Hen turned to Bobby with a frown.

"You are not a firefighter anymore and you're too close to the situation. I love you, now let us do our jobs." Bobby watched Hen as Y/N stood beside him.

"Hen we got this, okay?" Y/N hugged Hen who looked at the building in shock.

"I promise you, I will not leave the building until I find Karen. Hen, I swear, I will do everything to get her back to you and Denny safely." Y/N reassured Hen at a volume that Bobby couldn't hear.

"I know. I know you will." Hen let her go.

"Bring her back to me, Cap." Hen looked past Y/N at Bobby.

"Guaranteed." Bobby gave a nod, putting his hand on Y/N's back directing her toward the building.

"Guys keep your eyes peeled for any victims." Bobby glanced back at them as they moved through the building.

"Fi." Chimney fell into step beside her.

"Mhm." Y/N glanced at him, both of them having a silent agreement.

"Okay, everybody be aware. We are entering an area with toxic gas, pressurised oxygen and organic peroxide. All right, once we're in side, everybody keep a close eye on your air. Eddie, I want you to get the saw, we're gonna have to cut through piece by piece." Bobby stopped and turned to look at them.

"On it, Cap." Eddie gave a nod of confirmation.

"Looks like the sprinkler system was destroyed in the explosion, Cap. We got spot fires everywhere." Buck looked over at them.

"All right. Buck, I'm gonna put you in charge of coordinating putting those fires out." Bobby watched Buck who nodded.

They sawed their way through piece by piece, making sure to be cautious and safe whilst doing so.

"All right, lets move." Bobby led them into the room.

They found a victim but he was already gone, so they tagged him and kept looking for survivors as Buck worked on putting out the fire in the room.

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