S5: E2 Desperate Times Part 1

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This chapter is extremely short cause I'm making this episode into two parts.


"The generators will have to wait." Bobby looked up at the helicopter.

"Window washing cables. This thing's holding on by a thread, Cap." Eddie looked at the helicopter.

"118! I want ropes, webbing and the heavy winch on the rooftop, double time." Bobby watched the helicopter.

"We're not waiting for any of that, right?" Buck looked at Bobby alarmed.

"No. First thing we do is get those rotors turned off. Hen, Eddie, you check that cabin and see what we got. Buck, you're with me." Bobby nodded around to them.

* With Y/N *

"You sure you're okay?" Y/N glanced at the nurse and then over at the 118 as they got the guy out safely.

"Yes, I'm fine." The nurse nodded to her.

"Dad!" Y/N ran over to Bobby as he grabbed the hose to tie around his waist.

"I got it." Bobby shook his head at her.

"The winch is here, Cap." Buck looked at Bobby.

"No time for that." Bobby looked at Buck.

"Cap, I'm the lightest here. Much more weight on that thing and it's going to go. It'll be easier for you guys to pull me up rather than us pull you up. Besides, I'm smaller and I'm more agile. It's safer." Y/N watched Bobby.

"It's dangerous, you have kids." Bobby tied the hose around his waist.

"Dad! You have me! You've got May and Harry! You're the Captain, they need you up here!" Y/N got in Bobby's way.

"Cap, she's right. She's lighter and more agile. You have to be her Captain, right now. Not her Father." Buck looked between them.

"Fine." Bobby tied the hose around Y/N securely.

Y/N climbed down into the helicopter carefully, the helicopter started to slowly fall, as she reached the heart and her ears were filled with the 118 shouting.

"I got it!" Y/N looked up at them as the helicopter finally gave way.

Eddie, Buck and Bobby pulled Y/N up onto the roof as a nurse took the heart and the helicopter exploded near the ground.

* The Next Night *

"Hen!" Christopher smiled as Eddie led Hen into the house.

"Auntie Hen!" Eva clapped her hands together.

"Wow. You three are getting big." Hen smiled at Christopher, Eva and Henry.

"Crazy, right?" Y/N smiled at Hen.

"So, you two are still going out even though we're in the middle of a blackout?" Eddie looked at the two.

"Duh. We need our sister bonding time. We're just gonna go for a walk, nothing life threatening." Y/N kissed the three kids on their heads.

"Yeah, but don't wait up." Hen chuckled at Eddie.

"Okay, okay." Eddie smiled amused as Y/N kissed him on the cheek.

"I'll see you in a minute." Y/N reassured Eddie.

"One minute for you is an eternity for me." Eddie waved as the two left.

* With Y/N and Hen A Couple Hours Later *

"I'm glad you're not scared of the dark." Hen smiled at Y/N.

"Why would I be scared of the dark?" Y/N looked at Hen confused.

"You're practically a child." Hen shrugged as if it were obvious.

"Right." Y/N gave Hen a sarcastic glare as they went to cross the street.

* With Eddie *

Eddie woke up to his phone ringing.

"Hey, Hen." Eddie answered his phone, sitting up tiredly.

Hen's first words caused Eddie to become disoriented, sounds becoming muffled as if he was under water. He'd forgotten how to breathe.

Eddie didn't even get dressed, he just threw some shoes on and rushed out the door, running down the street where he could see red and blue flashing lights and a small crowd of people.

"Eddie!" Buck looked over seeing Eddie staring at the scene infront of him, but Eddie barely heard him.

"Eddie!" Bobby and Buck braced him as his legs gave way.

The white sheet laying on the ground near the blue and red lights brought a deafening silence to all of them.

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