S4: E8 Breaking Point

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"Let me get this collar on and then we can assess.." Hen went to grab a collar out of the kit.

"No, she is not the real emergency. Over here." Wade nodded over to a man with a cork screw in his throat.

"Hen, Chim, need you over here now. Eddie, you, Buck and Fi deal with the flight attendant." Bobby looked at the four of them.

"He's having trouble breathing. I thought about pulling it out, but.." Wade watched as Hen and Chimney came over.

"No, you made the right call." Bobby reassured Wade.

"Could be an ankle fracture. Can you wiggle your toes for me?" Eddie looked at the flight attendant as Y/N watched Buck look at the other victim confused.

"Is it just me or does this guy look familiar?" Buck looked over at the other victim.

"It's the guy that we pulled out of the jet engine." Bobby looked at Buck in realisation.

"Oh, yeah." Buck nodded.

"His job seems more dangerous than ours." Eddie looked up.

"I think it's a sign that he needs to stop working here." Y/N looked over at him.

Eddie and Buck got the flight attendant onto a backboard as Chimney and Hen pulled the cork screw out.

* Later That Night *

"I'm surprised Buck hasn't called for help, yet." Eddie chuckled as they sat on the couch watching a movie.

"He probably called Bobby, or Maddie, or even Hen." Y/N smiled at Eddie.

"You think the kids are okay?" Eddie watched her.

"Buck loves the three of them so much. If he thought something was wrong, he'd call for help. Now, can you tell me does she die?" Y/N turned back to the movie.

"I'm not going to tell you that. It'll spoil the entire thing." Eddie shook his head in amusement.

"How? We've only just started the movie, does she.." Y/N looked at Eddie when she suddenly turned back to the screen as a gun went off in the movie.

"Wait...what? Why did he get shot? Isn't he the bad guy? Who shot him?" Y/N watched Eddie in disbelief.

"It's a secret, just stop talking and watch." Eddie chuckled at her.

"Okay, okay." Y/N held her hands up in surrender with a small smile.

* An Hour Later *

"Honey, I'm home!" Buck walked into the house as Christopher helped him push the pram.

"Hey, guys! There's kids in the house!" Buck looked at Y/N and Eddie who were on the couch as the credits rolled.

"Ever heard of knocking?" Y/N turned to look at Buck.

"Did you have fun?" Eddie leaned on the back of the couch looking at Christopher as the twins slept.

"Yeah! Buck took us for ice cream and we watched movies!" Christopher smiled at them.

"Thank you for giving the sugar before bed." Y/N looked at Buck shaking her head.

* The Next Day On Call *

"Eh, should've tried thinking before he ended up on a roof. I mean, he cornered himself." Eddie looked at them as they leaned against the engine.

"That there is a whole series of bad life choices culminating in this one unfortunate moment. It'd be tragic if it wasn't so moronic." Hen watched them try to negotiate.

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