TWENTY - THREE: get ready

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unknown number from afghanistan was calling me. it's been a while since alfred called to check on me. which worries me a little...



"the gun i gave you, is it near you right now?" he asked.

"yes it is, do you think papa's men are close?"

"i don't know miss, but i heard your father talking on the phone. he knows you're in the states, he doesn't know which exact state yet, he doesn't know your location, but i want you to be careful." he let me know.

"i'm sure you made some friends, try to be with one of them at all times, have at least one person with you." she directed me. "you need to understand that this is an order from your own safety, do not take what i'm telling you lightly. your father is not stopping the search party for you anytime soon."

"has the news broke out at the company?" i asked.

"people do have their own theories, but your father has made it clear to them that you're on a really long vacation and will return soon." he answered.

"how's mom doing during all of this chaos?"

"she doing just fine, she knows you're okay." he answered.

"and papa has he mentioned what he'd do if he found me?" i bit my lip hard.

"he's not going to find you."

"alfred you know that there is a great possibility he might find me. don't you think we need a plan for if that will ever happen?" i said.

"he's pissed violet, very. he's been planing on stepping down and making you ceo, he still is planing on that. if you ever come back that will be your reality. you have to remember that if you were to get exposed and brought back you have the power. your father is only merly hoping you'd oblige him, he can not be sure you will. you can order him around. you can create a big scandal just by calling the press, that's the last thing he wants. you have the power, so if you ask me, a plan would be useless, nothing goes according to plan anyways."

"i have the power." i echoed.

"yes you do. but we both know you're miserable here and you father has sent men to bring you back, no matter what the circumstances are. he wants you unharmed and alive of course but these men are dangerous violet, if it ever comes to using that gun don't be afraid to. i'll take care of it." he said.

"how will you know i need you? i can't contact you."

"i'll know violet, i'll know." he assured me. "see you next in germany." he hung up.

this feels like the longest call i've ever had with him. and the most terrifying one.

"aly?" i sniffled.

"v is everything okay? it's 3 am." aaliyah said.

"i need you, and you can't come to mine. can i please drive to you? please?" i begged.

"uhm, yeah of course. i'll text you the address." she said before hanging up.

i called an uber, wore my shoes and headed to aaliyah's, i could've walked there but it's late and we're in new york. i thanked the driver and went up the elevator to find her flat, she live in a pretty nice place, at least that's what i could see from the hallways and exterior.

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