SIXTY: don't hide

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"there you are, take the company card and get everyone on the board some lunch from that place down the road." eliza said once she spotted me.

"i'm sorry eliza, but i already sent you an email about this and you said it was okay. i'm on my break a little early today, because of the will reading." i frowned.

"of course." she rolled her eyes. "liam? you're alder's assistant, i'll let him know i sent you. please get a meal for everyone with a natural juice of your choice." she looked at liam, then proceeded to walk away.

"we'll get to work soon, i promise." he sighed, getting up to leave. "i'll close the door on my way out." he said, deciding to give me some privacy.

violet finally sent the link to the zoom and i joined. "we're about to start."

"i believe the last of attendees have just arrived." one of the lawyers looked over at whatever device i was on. "i will start with all legal documents and then the actual reading will take place."

the professionally dressed man started talking nonsense, i couldn't even pretend to understand. that took about ten minutes, i had my ipad out of frame and i was sketching on it. what was i supposed to do? pretend i was interested?

"I give all my tangible personal property and all policies and proceeds of insurance covering such property, to my daughter, saide clare astor, except for the next items and wealth percentages, stated in the next paragraphs. If she does not survive me, I give that property to my wife, melanie clare astor. My executors may pay out of my estate the expenses of delivering tangible personal property to beneficiaries." it finally got to the exciting part. the lawyer went on to state that all funeral expenses are on v including mortgages and taxes and so on. mr.sloane got many of his jewelry and watches, melanie got his property located in kansas, amoung many other things i couldn't keep track of, five percent of his wealth was directed to her. and then, "i give one percent of my money and wealth to billie eilish pirate baird o'connell." my eyes went wide and i sat up straight on my chair, as if i got electrocuted in the ass.

i'm not good at math but if i get one percent of whatever was in that man's pocket that would make me at least a millionaire overnight. there is no way this is right. why would he direct that money to me of all people? and when did he even get the chance to update his will that fast? my leg started shaking up and down, i couldn't wait until this was over. i need to talk to v, fast.

"i also accord my new york property and flat located in staint edwards, london, to billie eilish pirate baird o'connell." i put my mic on mute and whispered curse words to myself. what the fuck? what the fuck? what the actual fuck?

a knock on the office door was heard, followed by liam entering. "are you okay? you look pale." he frowned.

"i'm fine." i brushed him off.

"should i get out or can i come in?" he didn't know what to do.

"get out." i quickly said.

"okay." he nodded and exited the room.

twenty minutes later the attorney concluded everything and the room started pouring with noise. the zoom call closed and not a minute later violet called me.

"did i hear everything right? or am i crazy? b this can't be real, in what world do i inherit shit from your dad? you were there the day he yelled at me. there has to be a mistake of some sorts." i stressed out, talking way too quickly and loosing my breath as i continue.

"you heard everything right billie, just give me a minute. papa wrote a personal letter directed to me, maybe there is some sort of explanation there." she told me and i could hear the sound of the paper in her hands.

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