THIRTY: back home

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after eating, shitting, breathing, rotting in the hospital for a week i was finally cleared to go home. i'm not really going home, back to my apartment, but home back to my parents. they just want to make sure i'm all good for real before leaving me alone in an apartment, i get that. plus i'm not mad, it's a total upgrade from the hospital and mom is making me my favorite foods.

happy stomach, happy billie.

"women are you obsessed with me or something? leave me alone i just want a moment for myself without seeing your ugly face all the time." i groaned the moment i saw violet walk into my room.

she's been very very very good to me lately. maybe i should get into an accident and end up in the hospital every other week to keep her like this. glad she finally realized what i'm worth though.

"yes i'm obsessed with you and no you are not allowed a moment alone, i won't risk anything happening to you." she pecked my lips and then pecked it again.

"one more." i said before she gave me a real kiss with tongue and all, but then finneas decided to cock block us.

"be careful to not hit her head on the head bord. you'll break her again." he said while holding a vase.

"oooo" violet walked up to him and took the vase. "i got you some flowers, since the old ones died." she put them on the bed side table.

"thank you." i smiled.


everything is so perfect now, besides the fact that i'm a little beaten up, it's so perfect. i don't want anything to change, nothing whatsoever. except the fact that i don't know what the heck we are, i'm doing just fine. maybe i don't want to know because maybe she still isn't ready and i don't want to fight. maybe i'm okay with just this.

"what are you thinking about?" she climbed onto my bed.

"nothing." i lied. "you know you don't have to come over every single day and check if i'm alive right? i'm okay i'm not in the hospital anymore. my mama i feeding me a lot, she has this theory that if i eat more i'll gain more energy and i'll get better faster."

"i don't have to, but i want to come over for a little everyday. you can kick me out every single day and i'd still come back the next day to see your pretty face. plus it's wednesday remember?" she said.

"damn it's wednesday already?" i frowned.

"enjoy this luxurious time cause once you start working at that job you'll crave this." she mentioned.

"i start next week and i'm stressing the fuck out!" i groaned. "i don't know what to wear or how to do my hair and if i should put on a light layer of makeup, i want their first impression of me to be good."

"you shouldn't worry about what people think of you, everyone is a piece of shit and no one is perfect. anyone who thinks they have the right to judge you will most definitely be under going some major consequences." she layed on her stomach as she told me.

"i know, you're super confident blah blah blah. but i'm not you, i can't help it so you are going to help me choose my outfit for my first day next week when i'm back home." i tapped her forehead.

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