Don't Even

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Amy's pov

"I don't see why we have to pack up our whole lives and move for some random guy you just started screwing," my fifteen-year-old son Alex complained for the hundredth time today, and it's only 8am.

"First off, watch your mouth, Alex. You know Drew loves to repeat everything you say." I frowned at my eldest. I know I shouldn't let him speak that way but I don't have the time or energy to deal with him right now, or most of the time if I'm being honest with myself. Alex's father took off as soon as I told him I was pregnant. Being a single mom is way harder than I ever imagined it would be. This was never the plan but rarely do things in my life go according to plan.

"Whatever," Alex scoffed dismissively.

"What's screwing, Mommy?" my inquisitive little four-year-old parrot of a son, otherwise known as Drew, asked on cue.

"See?" I said to Alex, as I gestured to my youngest.

"It means Mom is bang..."

"DON'T YOU DARE, ALEX!" I shouted, interrupting him in the nick of time as I glared and pointed my finger in his face.

"I'll explain it to you later, dude," Alex said to Drew, thankfully heeding my warning.

"Secondly, Alex..." I said, returning to our original discussion. "He's not some random guy I'm um," I paused trying to choose the right word, not wanting to repeat the crass term my son used. "...seeing romantically as you so eloquently accused me of earlier. Dean is very important to me and we're trying to build a future together." I gave Alex the watch-yourself-look all parents have on stand-by for conversations with their children. "As a family," I added, despite knowing how much the idea of being part of a blended family irks my eldest son. He deserves to be annoyed for irritating me this morning, when I have so much on my mind and my to-do-list already.

"Please," he snorted in disgust. "You don't even know the guy. You've only been dating for a few weeks," Alex argued, sarcastically applying air quotes around the word dating.

"Months, Alex. We've been dating for months, not weeks," I clarified. I know this relationship is moving fast but it just feels right for some reason. Dean isn't like any guy I've ever gone out with, or met for that matter. I mean, he is the first guy to think I was a hooker, afterall. Not to sound too cliche or anything but he's special and I'm crazy about him. Admittedly, I didn't feel that way on the day we met but I like to overlook that. I know it sounds nuts to say this after only three months but I think I'm in love with him and I can envision us spending the rest of our lives together. As one big happy family, I hope. I absentmindedly brushed my hand across my stomach, thinking I can even picture us having a kid together someday. Suddenly, Drew started crying, snapping me out of my utopian daydream.

"Mommy, Alex said I can't bring any of my toys with cuz there's not gonna be any room at Dean's house," my little guy said sadly, as he wiped the tears from his eyes.

On second thought, maybe three kids is enough, I mused before reassuring my youngest and admonishing my oldest for antagonizing his little brother for the umpteenth time this morning.

"Of course we're taking your toys, honey. There'll be plenty of space for them at Dean's house in your new room." I kissed Drew on the cheek and patted his back to put him at ease. "I promise. Ok, baby?" I smiled at my precious boy. He's so overly sensitive about everything, making him an easy target for his older brother's ribbing.

"Are y_you su_sure, M_Mommy?" he stuttered out, amidst his sad sniffling.

"Of course I'm sure, baby. Alex, stop antagonizing your brother and start packing. The movers will be here in less than an hour and we still have a lot to do."

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