My life

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Six months later

Dean's pov

Amy and I were in the kitchen, ready to talk about our workday as she started prepping the food for tonight's dinner.

"I wish Crowley would just get off my fuckin' back about it already," I lamented, referring to a routine traffic stop last week that turned out to be far from routine, more like something out of an X-Files episode honestly. I grabbed a beer out of the fridge for me and offered Amy a soda.

"No thanks, hon," she replied. She stood on her tiptoes to kiss me on the cheek. "I wouldn't mind having what you're having instead. It's been a long day," she sighed, giving me a weak smile.

"Work, or the kids, or both?" I questioned cautiously, not sure which answer I wanted to hear. "And don't you dare, by the way," I added, giving her rear a little swat. Amy went to work at the courthouse for about five hours this morning before picking up Drew from daycare, in time to get home before Alex and Katie returned from school.

She just shook her head and turned away from me, trying futilely to hide the tears slipping from her eyes as she began heating a pot of water on the stove.

Setting my beer down on the table, I wrapped my arms around her as I held her tightly from behind.

"Hey, don't cry, baby." I hate seeing my lady so sad. "Tell me what happened," I whispered softly in her ear, as I breathed in the vanilla-citrus scent of her intoxicating body spray. God she smells good. I couldn't help pressing my crotch against her sweet ass as I gripped her hips and ground my quickly growing hard-on between her buttcheeks. "Mmmm," I moaned involuntarily. She's just so goddamn sexy and fuck I know it's wrong, but seeing her so vulnerable, majorly turns me on. It's the hunter and protector in me I guess. I like to think it's instinctive so it's out of my control and not my fault that seeing her so emotionally unguarded and exposed, makes me extremely horny.

She shook her head no as she continued to cry softly while stirring the fresh garlic sizzling in olive oil in the fry pan.

Setting my manly needs aside for the moment, I quit grinding my dick against her sexy ass and went back to holding her close, protectively, not lewdly.

"I can't help you if you don't tell me what's wrong, baby." I took the spoon from her hand, setting it down on the rest before switching the burner to low and turning her towards me. "Tell me what's got you so upset, sugar." I kept my tone soft so she wouldn't hesitate to unload on me, unburden herself. I whisked the tears from her rosy cheeks with my thumbs as I held her face and looked at her expectantly.

"It's nothing really, it's just..."

"Just what? Tell me, Amy," I dictated, adding a slightly more commanding timbre to my voice.

Amy looked as if she was about to speak but for some reason she stopped herself.

"Is Katie in trouble? Did she do something wrong or mouth off to you again?" I pulled away from my lady as I started to get pissed off at my daughter. "Because if that's the case, I'll tan her little hide right in front of you so she can apologize for whatever she did as she's over my knee learning her lesson."

"No, Dean, it's not that, I..."

"What Amy? Come on, I'm losing my patience here." I didn't even bother trying to hide the frustration in my voice in the slightest at this point.

"I spanked her!" Amy blurted out, before bursting into tears as she crashed into my chest.

"Did she deserve it?" I asked, knowing she surely must have as Amy isn't one to punish first and ask questions later.

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