For One Reason

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Katie's pov

Uncle Sammy continued to spank me for the next minute or so without saying a word. He let his strong hand do all the talking as he made me squirm over his lap with each painful spank to my little panty clad behind. I tried to stay still so I wouldn't make him mad but it was really hard cuz each slap to my butt was firm and crisp and they just kept comin' without pause.

After what felt like forever, my uncle stopped my spanking momentarily as he lectured, "I don't ever want a repeat of this afternoon's behavior again, Katie. You know better than to lie to me and break the law by taking something from a store without paying for it."

I swallowed hard knowing what comes next. My uncle only pauses a spanking for one reason. To make it hurt more. Sure enough he didn't falter from plan as he slowly peeled my panties down over my already throbbing, thoroughly punished bottom as he bared me for the remainder of my spanking. He patted my naked bum a couple times and took another deep breath before resuming my punishment.

My uncle delivered another two dozen or so firm slaps to my red aching butt, making me shift more on his thighs to try and avoid the pain brought about from his powerful hand. Uncle Sammy spanks sooooo hard. Giving up, I stopped struggling over his lap and just laid still as my chest heaved and I cried my little eyes out. Shortly after, my uncle stopped spanking me and lifted me into his strong punishing, yet somehow comforting, arms.

"We're all done now, baby, all done," he repeated softly, as he rocked and swayed me, gently patting my well-spanked, still naked bum. He shushed and soothed me with his quiet whisperings and gentle touch, until my sobbing turned into sparse sporadic sniffling. Normally, I don't like to be comforted after one of my dad's spankings but I always want to be held by my uncle after one of his. I don't know why. I just feel like I need it to know I'm forgiven. I rarely need that reassurance from my dad but for some reason, I really crave it from my uncle.

Dad thinks it's cuz my uncle mothers me, whatever that means. I've never had a mother so I don't know. I mean of course I had a mother, or I wouldn't have been born but I never knew her so I figure that counts as not having a mom. My uncle broke me out of my reflective state as he pulled my panties up over my aching super sensitive butt, making me whimper in protest at his actions. I never mind my butt being naked when my uncle comforts me after a spanking cuz he always pats and rubs me real gently which helps calm me down, plus it just feels good.

"Don't fuss, Jellybean. I'm gonna lay down with you in your bed for a little bit. I think we could both use a nap. Ok?" My uncle slowly stood up to pull my comforter and bed sheet back as I clung to him koala style.

"Okay, Uncle Sammy," I sniveled pathetically, still hurting from his hard spanking. "But can I leave my panties off please? I still have my sweatshirt on," I bargained, hoping my uncle would be understanding and sympathetic to my plight. The hoodie I have on is three sizes too big so it practically goes down to my knees when I stand. Dad gave it to me for Christmas last year cuz it's my favorite color, light purple. He said none of the stores had that color in my size and he didn't want me to have to wait till after Christmas for them to order one for me so he just bought the bigger size, figuring I'd grow into it. I'm glad he did cuz it's my favorite sweatshirt and I wear it all the time.

My uncle chuckled, "Alright, baby girl, you can leave them off." He laid down in my bed, holding me atop his chest. Lifting my sweatshirt, he carefully pulled down my panties and slid them off my legs. Smoothing my hoodie back down gently over my red hot smarting bum, he pulled the bedsheet and comforter over us as I snuggled deeper into his arms and swiftly drifted off to sleep.

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