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Dean's pov

"Thanks, Grandpa! I'm gonna go show 'em to Alex and Drew and then introduce them to Henry," Katie beamed, jutting off down the hall to show off her gifts to her brothers.

"That was really nice, Dad, thank you."

"My pleasure, son." Dad clapped me on the back with one of his strong calloused hands before putting me in a headlock as he gave me a noogie, messing up my impeccably styled hair. "I hope you don't mind me dropping by unannounced." Dad looked to Amy for a response. Nevermind that it's my house but whatever. I guess I should think of it as our house now anyway since she's gonna be my wife someday soon, I hope.

"Of course not," Amy replied, looking sincerely glad. "You're always welcome here, John."

Ah the Winchester charm strikes again, I thought. Hopefully I can parlay this into some hot sex tonight. Since Dad's got her engine all revved up, might as well take her out for a spin.

Breaking me out of the lewd fantasy playing in my head, Dad snapped, "I'm still waitin' on that beer, boy."

"Oh yeah, sorry, Dad. I'll go grab us a couple. Do you want one, or two, or three, babe?" I asked Amy, figuring it couldn't hurt to get her a little buzzed, based on what I want to do to her tonight. Fuck, my pants are getting tight.

Amy frowned at me embarrassing her in front of her soon to be father-in-law.

"No thank you," she replied curtly, clearly unamused by my generous offer.

"So Dean tells me you're a court reporter. That must be a really interesting job at times," I heard Dad continue to butter up my girl, as I went to the kitchen to grab our drinks.

Pounding on the basement door a few times, I opened it and shouted down, "Sammy, get your ass upstairs! Dad is here."

"Coming, Dean!" I heard him yell. Probably not realizing I was still in the kitchen as he got to the top of the stairs, I heard him grumble, "What the Hell is he doin' here?"

"Here, you're gonna want one of these first," I said, handing Sammy a beer.

"What do you mean one?" he replied sarcastically, taking a long slow drink, emptying half the bottle. "What's going on? Why is Dad here? Did you know he was coming?"

"Slow down, cowboy," I cautioned, taking the bottle from his hand and placing it on the table. "He's gonna be here a couple nights so you're going to want to pace yourself."

Sammy groaned, shaking his head and sighing loudly.

"Seriously?" he asked, hoping this was one of my pranks.

"Dead serious, little bro, and to answer one of your earlier questions, I had no idea he was comin' here until he showed up on my doorstep."

"Dean, what's takin' so long with that beer?" we heard our dad yell from the living room.

"Coming, Dad," I hurriedly called back, to buy us another minute.

Grabbing his beer off the table and clinking it against my bottle, Sammy toasted us, "Here's to a little glimpse of Hell, brother."

Putting my arm around him, Sam and I laughed as we entered the living room to face our father.

Handing Dad his beer, I apologized, "Sorry it took so long but I had to deal with this terrifying creature in my basement." I motioned with my thumb to Sammy.

"Hey Dad," Sammy replied nervously.

"Come here, boy," John ordered with a steely edge to his voice. When Sammy hesitantly stepped closer, now within his reach, Dad enveloped him in his strong arms. Crushing him in a giant hug, he whispered in Sammy's ear, "God, I've missed you, son," as a tear rolled down his cheek.

Dean's Lifeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें