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Dean's pov

"It most definitely did happen, young lady. If I'm remembering correctly, your father made sure you couldn't sit comfortably for a month because of number three." Bobby wagged his finger at Amy. "Personally, I think you got off easy, considering what you did."

"You know, I think we're getting a bit off topic now," Amy proclaimed, trying to remove herself from the center of attention. "We're supposed to be talking about Alex now and how we're going to handle disciplining the boys in the future, not about my youthful transgressions. The mistakes I made as a child really have nothing to do with this. Ok? Can we please get back to the matter at hand?"

"Fine by me," I said. "But Bobby, you and I gotta finish this conversation over a twelve pack someday real soon." I winked at my girl as I squeezed her hand reassuringly and smiled. God, I love this lady. I can't wait to find out every single thing about her. She is a huge part of my life now, afterall. I want to know her inside and out.

"You got a deal, Dean. Although after you hear all the stories I got loaded up about this one, you may change your mind about marrying her. Hell, you may not even want her in your house anymore, or anywhere near your kid for that matter," Bobby joked.

"Ha ha, very funny," Amy retorted sarcastically, rolling her eyes for added effect. "Now can the two of you just listen to me for a minute?"

"The floor is yours, darlin'," I replied, gesturing with a flourish of my hand.

"Thank you," Amy said, seemingly nervous as she rubbed her hands on the outside of her legs. Taking a deep breath, she persevered, "I'm just not sure I'm okay with the two of you spanking the boys."

"Would you rather do it yourself?" Bobby asked.

I think he's being a smart-ass but I'm not sure because he has a good poker face.

Amy rolled her eyes again and frowned at her uncle.

"You know that's not what I mean. I'm not opposed to spanking as a form of discipline in general, I just choose not to raise my boys that way."

"And how's that workin' out for you? In all seriousness, Amy," Bobby asked. "Are you happy with the way your boys behave the majority of the time?"

Sighing heavily, Amy slumped her shoulders forward as tears pricked her eyes.

"No but..." she wiped her eyes and sniffled. "I just don't know what to do. I've tried so hard to do right by them, Uncle Bobby, I really have. I've tried to be both parents to them and I've tried to be their friend and their biggest supporter too but I'm only one person," she cried.

I wrapped my arms around my lady as she broke down before us.

"Don't cry, baby. We're here for you and we're happy to help," I reassured her.

"You've been a wonderful mother to those boys, Amelia Louise. Don't you ever doubt that," Bobby ordered sternly. "Now it's time to give Dean a chance to be their father." Softening his tone, he promised, "And I'll be here every step of the way to make sure he's doing it right."

Amy's pov

Dean held me close until I was able to continue this discussion without crying. I feel like such a weakling because I can't even talk about letting the men in my life spank my kids. Why is this so difficult for me? My sister and I were spanked growing up and so were the majority of my friends. I don't have any moral opposition to it, yet I can't picture myself ever doing that to my kids. I guess I won't really need to since I have Dean and Uncle Bobby here. I mean, I trust them both with my life and my kids lives and I know they love the boys, so I guess I should give this a chance.

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