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Katie's pov

Dad woke me up this morning with a swat on my butt, which I did not appreciate. Definitely not my favorite way to to start my day, especially since I'm still sore from my uncle's spanking. Wouldn't even make the top ten best ways to be ripped from a peaceful slumber. I thought about letting my dad know this, but only for a split second. Once I saw the determined, unamused look on his face, I decided to keep my mouth shut. Probably the best decision I've made in the past twenty-four hours, by far.

Dad reminded me we were going to the grocery store this morning so I could apologize. Oh joy. He told me to get my butt out of bed and go straight into the kitchen to apologize to my uncle, then he said I should eat breakfast, shower and get dressed so I'd be ready to leave when he decided it was time to go.

Before I even got to the kitchen, I could smell my uncle's famous cinnamon French toast. Okay, maybe it's not technically famous but it's still pretty darn good. Uncle Sammy is a great cook. Dad, on the other hand, burns everything, but he tries so I give him credit for that. He even burned top ramen once. I didn't think it was possible to burn noodle soup, but apparently I was wrong. Dad did finally master how to make boxed mac and cheese and he's pretty adept at heating up hot dogs now too, plus he's a whiz at the Burger Barn drive thru so I never go hungry.

"Hi, Uncle Sammy," I quietly greeted him, as I took a seat at the table.

"Hey, good morning, Jellybean," he replied happily, as he turned around and gave me a kiss on the top of my head. He would've probably hugged me too but his hands were full at the moment. "I'll have your French toast up in just a minute, ok?"

I nodded, as tears welled in my eyes.

Uncle Sammy quickly put the bowl and spatula down and shut off the stove.

"What's the matter, sweetheart? Why are you crying?" he asked with compassion, as he knelt down beside me. Turning my chair so I was facing him, he enveloped me in his strong arms, giving me the warm hug I so desperately needed. "Tell me what's wrong, baby. I promise it'll be alright," he said, hugging me tighter as he rubbed my back in a soothing motion.

The floodgates opened and I started bawling. I'm not exactly sure why, but I think everything that happened yesterday finally hit me. Stealing the candy bar, lying to the cashier and my uncle about it, disappointing him and my dad, getting spanked, the lecture from my dad, the promise of a hairbrush spanking tonight. It's like all of it just came flooding down on me at once, like a giant tidal wave. I was crying so hard at this point, I couldn't even answer my uncle.

"I_I_I'm..." I sputtered out incoherently, as I clung to him for dear life.

Uncle Sammy immediately scooped me up and sat me down on his lap as he took my seat. Holding me close to his side, my legs dangling over his knees, he rubbed my arm, rocking me gently as he pressed my cheek flush against his chest and shushed me softly.

"Shhh, don't cry, it'll be alright," he repeated over and over until my sobs turned to sniffling, when I finally calmed down.

I feel like such a baby right now, sitting on my uncle's lap crying, but I honestly don't care. I am glad we're alone though, so nobody is here to witness my meltdown.

"Now tell me what's wrong, Jellybean. Why are you so upset?" Uncle Sammy asked, as he smiled softly at me, patting my knee.

I wiped the tears from my eyes and took a few deep breaths before trying to respond so I wouldn't sound like a blithering idiot this time.

"I just feel bad about yesterday," I managed to sniffle out my reply. Looking down at my lap, completely ashamed, I mumbled, "I'm sorry I lied to you and embarrassed you at the store."

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