No Big Deal

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Sammy's pov

Flinching due to Dean's reaction, I hesitantly replied, "I already spanked her but I warned her I wasn't going too hard on her because she'd still have to answer to you." Nervously rubbing the smooth brown glass of my beer bottle, I kept my head down, adding, "I hope I didn't overstep my bounds. I know things are different now. I just..."

"No, Sammy, no," Dean interjected, his voice softening. "You're still her uncle, nothing's changed. Of course you're allowed to punish her. Hell, I applaud it." He picked up his chair and sat back down, cradling his head in his hands. "I don't like to be the bad guy all the time. I miss when the three of us were living together and I could play the good cop sometimes, no pun intended." After a brief moment of self-wallowing, he looked at me and sadly asked, "Where did I go wrong, little bro? My daughter's a thief, a common criminal destined to spend her life behind bars."

I couldn't help but laugh at his ridiculously over-dramatized reaction. At least I hoped he was being melodramatic. He had such a serious look on his face and tone to his voice though, I wasn't entirely sure he was joking so I quickly masked my mirth.

Dean smiled broadly, joining me in trying to lighten the mood as he laughed along with me.

"What? No good?" he chuckled. "Too much? You didn't believe it?"

"You had me goin' there for a second, I have to admit. Nice job, bro." I raised my bottle to toast my brother's accomplished acting prowess.

Clinking his bottle against mine in return, he said, "Cheers!" Taking a long drink, he swallowed and shook his head, a sly grin now gracing his lips. "God help us, Sammy. I gotta laugh, or I'd go crazy. Your niece is a real piece of work and she's only seven." Finishing his beer, he got up from the table and tossed the bottle in a bucket ear-marked for recycle.

"Oh, I see how it is," I replied smiling. "When she's done something wrong, she's my niece but when she's a perfect angel, she's your kid."

"Good, I'm glad we got that settled then." Dean turned back around to face me before walking out of the kitchen. "If you'll excuse me now, I have to go deal with your niece."

I just chuckled and shook my head. God help us indeed, I thought to myself, but I'm so glad to be back. I missed my crazy family.

Katie's pov

As I climbed into bed, I heard someone knock lightly on my partially open door. Looking up, I could see it was my dad standing in the doorway as the light filtered in from the hallway.

"Hi, Daddy," I replied shyly, knowing I'm in trouble.

"Hi, pumpkin," Dad responded, sitting down on my bed. "You want to tell me what happened here today while I was at work?" Dad asked, as he leaned over, adjusting my comforter, tucking me in snugly. He just got home a little bit ago. I could hear him and Uncle Sammy talking as I brushed my teeth. I couldn't tell what they were saying but I'm guessing what I did at the store today was the main topic of conversation.

"No, not really," I replied softly, cuddling my favorite stuffed animal. He's a zebra named Henry. My grandpa bought him for me when he took me to the zoo last year. We had the best time cuz it was just me and Grandpa. Dad got called into work that Saturday by his boss so he couldn't come. Grandpa let me eat lots of junk food and look at all the cool snakes and lizards and stuff in the reptile house for as long as I wanted to. Dad always tries to rush me outta there. I don't think he likes snakes cuz I think he's kinda scared of them.

"How 'bout you tell me anyway?" he reiterated sternly.

I know Dad is not really askin' but he's gonna be super mad at me when he finds out what I did and what I said to Uncle Sammy this afternoon, so I shook my head no.

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