Getting through

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Dean's pov

"Are you serious?" Alex scoffed. "You gotta be fucking joking."

"When it comes to my job, I don't joke," I replied sternly, slapping a pair of cuffs on him.

"What the fuck?" Alex protested. "You're seriously gonna arrest us just for goofing around and havin' some fun?"

"You're not under arrest," I calmly informed Amy's oldest, as I cuffed Daniel too and escorted both of them to my patrol car. "Not yet anyway. You're currently just being detained and taken down to the station for questioning. And watch your mouth," I added. "You're speaking to an officer of the law right now, not your mom's boyfriend."

"Mom's gonna be pissed, ya know," Alex informed me, as I told him to watch his head while guiding him into the backseat.

"You should've thought of that before you put yourself in such a dangerous situation by going along with your stupid friends as they drove like maniacs down the highway," I retorted, without an ounce of sympathy.

"I mean, she's gonna be pissed at you, moron," Alex sneered smugly, as I slammed the backdoor.

I swear this kid is gonna be the death of me. It's taking every ounce of restraint harnessed in my hot body right now not to throttle this kid, but I don't want to be charged with police brutality. That comes with a whole mountain of paperwork, amongst other Internal Affairs headaches and desk duty. Sure as Hell don't want that. I couldn't stand being in such close proximity to my boss day in and day out for my entire shift. Yikes! I shuddered, imagining that nightmare scenario.

I'm pretty sure whipping him with my belt while on duty would not be considered using acceptable force either. When I get off duty, however, that's a whole 'nother story. Alex's behavior today certainly crossed a line. Amy's not gonna be able to save his ass this time. Nah ah. It's been a long time comin' and tonight that kid's gonna get his just desserts as my leather belt leaves an indelible impression on his cocky, belligerent, wise crackin' behind.

I radioed for another car to come pick up the kids who were currently waiting nervously in the backseat of Daniel's mom's car as Cass kept an eye on them. Flipping through the radio stations, I finally settled on the only one playing classic rock, making myself comfortable since I knew we were gonna be here for awhile. The other deputies are most likely still tied up pursuing Daniel and Alex's friends. Hopefully nobody gets injured when all is said and done. That's the best outcome I can wish for.

"You really gotta have us handcuffed for this?" Alex asked in a snotty tone.

"I thought I told you to keep your mouth shut," I replied, not in the mood to put up with anymore of his pissy attitude.

"Whatever," Alex replied dismissively.

"No, not whatever," I said, raising my voice. "Just do it and keep quiet."

Thirty-eight minutes later, we were back at the station and my patience had worn paper thin.

"You each need to get your mother on the phone and tell her to come down here to pick you up. Now!" I sternly ordered Alex and his friend, pointing them toward Becky's desk after I uncuffed them.

"You really want me to call my mom, your girlfriend, right now and tell her you handcuffed her oldest son and dragged him and his friends down to the sheriff's station for absolutely no good reason, other than the fact you want to flex your muscles like a big man?" Alex asked, with an incredulous look on his face.

"Did I stutter?" I asked facetiously, parroting my annoying boss. Picking up the phone receiver on Becky's desk, I reiterated, "Call your mother."

"Your funeral," I heard him mutter under his breath.

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