Because you are

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Dean's pov

I held Alex in position bent over the bed, my belt in hand, as I waited for him to respond. For the love of God, why can't this kid just admit what he did was wrong and apologize so we can put an end to this? So many days I wished I had his mother's permission to spank his ass, but now that I have it, I don't want it. I've never been this conflicted when it came to spanking Katie, or even Drew that one time, but this is different. There's just nothin' black and white about this kid. Everytime I think I've got him figured out, he does somethin' to surprise me.

Come on, kid. Growing impatient for him to respond, I looked down at him and sighed, resigning myself to carry out the rest of this punishment, until I noticed something that made me change my mind. Alex's shoulders were shaking so slightly it was almost imperceptible. He was crying.

"Alex," I softly called out his name, gently gripping his shoulder to get his attention. I want him to look at me. I need to know for sure.

"What?" he replied quietly, turning his head to the side. Confirming my suspicion, I saw the tear streaks on his cheek and the water brimming in his eyes.

"Sit up and look at me, son," I quietly stated, swallowing the lump in my throat.

"No, I hate you," he replied, with little to no conviction. "Leave me the fuck alone," he added, softly, sadly almost.

"Talk to me, kid," I said, sitting down on the bed next to him. "Tell me what's goin' through your head right now."

"I'm hating you, cuz you're a jerk," he mumbled into his comforter.

"Either sit up and talk to me, or I'll put you over my knee again and we can have our conversation with you face down over my lap. Choose wisely."

"I'm not going over your lap again, sicko," he said, pulling up his jeans befors sitting upright and wiping his eyes. He grimaced noticeably when his ass made contact with the bed. Shifting his weight onto his hip, he looked at me with a mixture of disdain and confusion. "I thought you were gonna beat me with your belt now. Isn't that what you've been wantin' to do from day one?" he asked, voice dripping heavy with sarcasm.

"You think I enjoyed this? Spanking you?"

"Yeah I do. You probably got off on it, pervert."

Running my hand down my face, I took a deep breath to keep from losing my temper with the boy. Now I can better understand why Sammy and I pissed off Dad so often.

"You know it's not too late for me to beat your ass with this belt," I warned, picking it up off the bed. "Keep it up with the smart ass comments and I will, junior. Understand me?"

"Whatever," Alex grumbled.

"No, not whatever," I stated sternly, standing up, my belt in hand, ready at the use. "Try, yes sir." This kid has gotta learn some respect. He's way too old to be acting like a bratty little toddler with a colorful vocabulary and no filter.

Alex scoffed, thinking I was bluffing.

"There's no fuckin' way I'm calling you sir," he sneered at me. "This ain't the army and you aren't my fuckin' drill sergeant."

Wow, just experienced a little deja vu there. Guess this kid'll learn the chain of command the same way I did. At the hand of his father's belt.

"The disrespect ends now, kid. Either answer me yes sir, or take five strokes of my belt."

"You're crazy," Alex replied dismissively.

I grabbed him by the arm and flipped him on his stomach. Holding him down with my left hand pressed against his lower back, I slapped my belt down hard, knowing it'll take some extra force to make an impression through the denim of his jeans.

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