What happened

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Dean's pov

"Oh my God! Hello officer," Amy said, shoving me off her as she just took notice of Cass standing awkwardly by the kitchen table.

"Hello ma'am," Cass replied politely, reaching out to shake her hand. "Thank you for allowing me to accompany Dean to your lovely home. I'm looking forward to dining with you and your offspring."

"You couldn't tell a person you're bringing company home for dinner?" Amy hissed in my ear as she slapped my arm hard. Her cheeks flushed in embarrassment as she ran her hands through her hair and smoothed out her skirt.

"OW!" I faux protested, rubbing my arm vigorously where she smacked me. "Police brutality," I whined. In reality, it didn't hurt at all but I wanted my woman to think she had successfully admonished me.

"Shhh!" Amy shushed me, smacking me lightly on the forearm. "Why didn't you tell me you were bringing your partner home with you?" she whispered angrily.

"I tried," I hissed back, "But you wouldn't let me get a word in edgewise when I called you earlier at work."

"Ooh, I'm so mad at you right now," she stammered quietly, cutely.

"No you're not," I smirked, giving her ass a little pinch. She's not mad at me. She's just trying to save face. God, she's adorable I thought, seeing the cute little pout on her full pink lips.

"You are so gonna pay for this later," she threatened, with all the ferocity of a cuddly baby bunny.

"Yes ma'am," I replied grinning, giving her a peck on the cheek.

"Aren't you going to introduce us to your partner, sweetheart?" Amy prompted, after giving me a slight frown, knowing I didn't take her threat seriously. She's just too darling.

"Of course," I replied, walking over to Cass to give him a pat on the back. "Deputy Castiel Novak, this is my gorgeous girlfriend Amy Richmond and our kids Alex, Katie and Drew and that big lug over at the stove is my baby brother Sammy."

After everyone exchanged greetings and pleasantries, Sammy announced it was time to eat so we all sat down at the table to partake in the delicious meal my little bro had prepared, like the good little housewife he is. The conversation flowed pretty freely as Cass held his own, keeping up with the endless barrage of questions from Katie and Drew about his pet snake. Makes my skin crawl just thinking about living in the same house as one of those things, let alone havin' one in your bedroom three feet from where you sleep, like Cass does. Eww, I shuddered, trying to shake the image from my mind.

After dinner, I invited Cass to have a few beers with me and Sammy but he politely declined. Used to living alone, he's probably desperate for some peace and quiet now after having listened to the constant noise that permeated these walls for the past hour or so. Comes with the territory of having six people under one roof, I guess, but I understand that it can still be a little much to deal with when you're not around it all the time. I walked Cass out to his car so I could thank him in private for putting up with my crazy family tonight. He's an alright guy and as far as partners go, I could've done a lot worse. I know Cass has got my back.

Still in a giving and generous mood after saying goodbye to Cass, I went inside to help Sammy clean up the kitchen. Amy was busy drawing Drew's bath since the kid ended up wearing most of his dinner, as usual. Katie and Alex had retreated to their rooms to do who knows what. Sam did the dishes and I wiped the counters down as we tidied up, enjoying the silence. Still feeling the good vibes after we finished, and now that Sam went down to the basement, I let Amy have control of the remote as we sat down together to watch the tube and unwind.

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