Same Difference

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Dean's pov

It remains to be seen which one of us my daughter will take after. Sometimes I swear she's so much like me, it's infuriating. Other times, I look at her and listen to the way she talks and it's a little Sammy clone staring back at me. In the meantime, I'm gonna hedge my bets and assume my daughter is more like me than her uncle, cuz what goes around comes around. Ya know what I mean? There's no way I could be lucky enough to have produced a mild mannered, well behaved kid, afterall. That's just not how life works, my friends.

I tightened my grip around my daughter's waist, holding her firmly in position as she continued to fight my discipline. I began to focus every spank upon the globes of her ass, poking out from beneath the leg lines of her white cotton panties. The more she shifted on my lap, the more the elastic crept between her little red buttcheeks, exposing additional bare skin for me to sharply punish as I continued to successfully drive this lesson home, one painful slap at a time.

"Stop fighting me, Katherine Rose. You're only making this worse for yourself," I warned.

"I'm not fighting you, Daddy," she cried out amidst tears, as she continued to thrash over my thighs. "IT JUST HURTS!" she yelled, in way of an explanation for her non-cooperative actions during this punishment.

"Good," I replied, tipping her forward a little so I could focus the remainder of this spanking on the most sensitive areas of her backside and upper thighs. "That means I'm doing it right." I rubbed her bottom slightly after delivering two harsh slaps to her sit spots. "You gonna push your little brother again?" I questioned, resting my hand on her red hot bottom as I awaited her reply. If she answers me properly and respectfully, I'll wrap this punishment up. On the other hand, if she sasses me, I'll pull her underpants down and spank her bottom raw.

"No, Daddy, I promise I won't," she cried out pitifully, breaking my heart in the process, not a trace of attitude nor defiance in her reply. Maybe she is a lot more like her uncle than I thought. I would've most definitely sassed my dad and earned myself several more licks if I was in her position. There's hope for this girl yet. She's only seven and she's already wiser than her old man.

"Alright, don't cry, baby," I said, pulling her up off my lap to stand in between my knees as I gave her a hug. "Your spanking is over now. You've learned your lesson," I clarified, gently patting her sore panty clad bottom before pulling up her pants. I felt bad hearing her whine as the coarse fabric brushed against her tender thighs, thinking maybe I went too hard on her after all. I often felt my dad went overboard when he was disciplining me and Sammy.

I would hate it if my daughter felt the same way about me, but on the other hand, I think Sammy and I turned out okay so maybe my dad had it right all along. We love, fear, and respect the man. What more could a father ask for? I had my answer as Katie clasped her hands behind my neck and snuggled her little body against my chest. Sighing contentedly, feeling safe and secure in my arms, she mumbled her apologies into my neck as she begged for my forgiveness, which I swiftly assured her, had already been granted. Letting her exhaustion overcome her, she peacefully drifted off to sleep. Devotion is a nice thing to have from your kid too.

That's something our father never had from Sammy or I. Loyalty? Sure, absolutely, without question, from me anyway. Sammy took a little longer to come around in that regard but he did eventually. Devotion, however? Not so much. Sammy always thought I worshipped the ground our father walked on but he was mistaking duty for devotion. John Winchester was a bit too rough around the edges to recognize the difference between the two as well, but not the Deanmeister. I'm much more aware and in touch with my daughter's emotions. Woke as the kids would say, progressive even. I rocked my baby girl in my arms as I listened to her softly snore, relishing this rare of occasions when she's not only allowing me to comfort her after a punishment, but embracing it as well.

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