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Amy's pov

Just yesterday I had to convince Dean to let his argument with Katie go and now I need to butter him up again tonight. As I'm driving home from work, I try to think of the best way to break the news to him. I was just informed today that I'm required to attend a three day workshop next week about some new policies, or some dumbass software upgrade, or the proper way to go about filing a sexual harassment complaint. I don't know, I admit I wasn't really listening after I heard mandatory, three days, and hotel reservations. All I was focused on at that point was figuring out how I'm going to tell my boyfriend of three plus months that he needs to babysit my kids for the better part of all next week.

Like I haven't imposed on the poor guy enough by moving my brood into his house on short notice, thanks to our impending eviction. What handsome, single, middle-aged man doesn't love a gal with a ton of baggage? I thought to myself sarcastically. I mean Dean's been a real trooper so far but this may definitely scare him off for good and there's no way I want that to happen. I love the guy, no if ands or buts about it and I want to marry him someday but that might never happen thanks to this stupid conference throwing a major wrench into the works.

What to do, what to do? I mused, drumming my fingers on the steering wheel as I sat in rush hour traffic. I could go with the tried and true sexual manipulation of course but I don't want to overplay that hand too early in the relationship because it could definitely come back to haunt me later on down the road. I could beg but I'd like to still think that's sort of beneath me. In actuality it's not but I just like to think that it is anyway. I can't really bargain since I literally have nothing to trade except my body, which brings us back to square one.

An impatient honk from the driver behind me signaled that traffic was opening up and I didn't have much time left on my commute to figure this out. Think Amy think, I admonished myself. You don't want to blow this. Dean is the best thing that's happened to you and your boys in like forever. Don't let this one slip through your fingers. Waving my apology to the car behind me, I hit the gas and headed on my way home. Still feels a little strange to think of Dean's place as home but it's getting easier by the day. I think we're all becoming more comfortable with the situation now, even my moodiest, hardest to please boy Alex.

After having dinner, Dean and I got Katie and Drew ready for bed. Sam went downstairs to do more work on the basement. I swear he puts in fourteen hour days down there. He's such a trooper. Dean has no idea how lucky he is to have a sibling who helps out so much. I really hope he appreciates the guy, I know I do. Alex was in his room, online I'm sure, playing some war type game. Probably shouting through his headset at his buddies playing with him or his opponents playing against him.

I sat down on the couch and positioned myself hip to hip with Dean, lying with my back against his chest. He put on one of the sitcoms we like to watch together and protectively held one arm around me as the other kept hold of the remote. He's funny like that. I almost always get to pick what we watch but he has to have control of the remote. That's his little power play of sorts, I guess. Whatever, I have no problem giving him the illusion he's in control. Hell, in the bedroom I actually applaud it, relish it really. I mean, I want him to be in control there cuz it's a major turn on for me.

As Dean gently ran his fingers up and down my thigh, I figured now was as good a time as any to break the news to him about my conference.

"So I got an interesting email at work today," I stated casually.

"Oh yeah?" Dean questioned as if on autopilot, mostly distracted and disinterested at this point.

Swallowing hard, I traced figure eight patterns lightly on his knee, replying, "Yeah, uh, they want me to attend a three day workshop in Coastal Hills next week. Well, actually I have to attend it, the conference is mandatory." I pulled the pin and tossed the grenade, waiting anxiously to see if it would explode.

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