Bad guy

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Katie's pov

Dad just asked me why I'm getting a spanking with the hairbrush.

"B_be_because I stole a candy bar and then l_li_lied about it," I managed to sputter out, as my tears fell faster and my breathing hitched.

Dad nodded, apparently satisfied with my response. He swiftly pulled me over his knee, pressing down on my back with his left hand. His right hand roughly yanked the waistband of my pajama pants over the globes of my ass. Dad adjusted them further down on the back of my legs. The cool room air on my warm naked bottom gave me goosebumps.

Dad rested his hand on my bare butt as he warned, "You better not fight me on this punishment, Katie girl. Understand?"

"Yes sir," I practically whispered, as I gripped my dad's pantleg tightly, subsequently burying my face in the fabric. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw him grab the hairbrush off my bed. Tensing my butt muscles tightly, I clenched my cheeks together in anticipation of the first stroke. I felt the hard wood slap my behind and I yelped from the sting it left on my skin.

Dad immediately slapped the brush down again and again on my previously pink bottom, reddening it quickly as I kicked my legs up in protest. I wasn't fighting him, I was just reacting to the horrible sting that evil brush left on my taut skin. Dad spanked me harder and harder, my legs flailed wildly as I squeezed my dad's calf so tightly, he had to pause the spanking to swat my hands away.

"Knock it off!" he growled, bringing the brush down hard at the crease of my thighs.

"OWWWW!" I shrieked repeatedly in protest, as Dad continued to focus several spanks in that ultra-sensitive area. "I can't help it, it hurts!" I cried out, reaching my right hand back in a desperate, yet futile, attempt to shield my bottom from further onslaught.

"It's meant to hurt, you're being punished, little girl," Daddy explained, very unhelpfully, I might add. "Now hold still!"

"I CAN'T!" I shouted, as he slapped that wicked brush across the center of my bottom, hard and fast. Each slap successfully re-igniting the burning fire on my thoroughly spanked butt.

Dad locked my legs under his and held my right wrist firmly at the small of my back. He spanked me several more times with the hairbrush as I cried and cried. This is by far the worst spanking Dad has ever given me.

"No daughter of mine is going to shoplift or steal. Am I clear?"

"YES!" I shrieked, as Dad peppered my red throbbing buttcheeks with painful slaps after each syllable he spoke. "STOP, DADDY, STOP!" I begged, as my tears streamed down and I wiped the snot running freely from my nose on my dad's pant leg.

Dad set the hairbrush back down on my bed but he continued to restrain me over his lap so I knew we weren't done yet. I felt the palm of his hand come down hard on my right buttcheek and then my left, confirming my fears. The slap of his hand hurts so much worse on my fragile punished skin after getting spanked with the hairbrush than the other way around. There's no doubt in my mind, my father is well aware of this.

Finally Dad stopped spanking my bare butt, ending this nightmare of a punishment. He tried to rub my back but I quickly scrambled off his lap and stepped away from him. I regretted moving so fast as my butt and thighs throbbed painfully in response.

"I W_WA_WANT UN_UNCLE SA_SAM_MY!" I cried out loudly, not wanting my dad to touch me as I backed further away.

I could see the hurt look on his face from my rebuke, but I didn't care. He hurt me way worse with this awful spanking and I didn't want him to act like now he cared that I was sad and in pain, cuz he's the one who caused it.

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