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Arshita groaned as she tried to wake up. She was having a killer headache and the reason is still unknown to her. She doesn't even know how did she get home or changed her outfit.

Sitting up on the bed while holding her head, she closed her eyes and leaned back on the bed.

"You wake up?" A familiar voice startled her which belong to Abhimaan.

He was sitting on the couch present in their room while reading a file.

Standing up, he took steps towards her and gave her an advil and a glass of water from the side table.

"Take this. It'll ease your headache."

"How'd you know that I've a headache?" She asked gulping the medicines.

"Because you got drunk last night."

His reply made her choke on water as she coughed still registering the words he said.

"W-what?" She asked with wide eyes as he patted her back gently.

"You got drunk last night. And didn't even recognise me at first. Didn't wanted to leave your so called cute glass. Asked me to carry you which I gladly did. And wanted a new husband because I denied to get you ice cream but then when you get your ice cream you didn't even finish it"

That's when incidents of last night flashed into her mind of how she drink something after dancing.

He is saying truth. That's why that taste felt different.

"I-I am so-sorry. I really didn't mean to do anything. I'm sorry, If I made you embarrassed." She sniffled avoiding his gaze.

"Hey! Arshu. Why are you sad, baby? Don't think that I'd be embarrassed by you. I would die before getting embarrassed and that too by you." He consoled taking her in his lap whispering sweet nothings in her ear.

"You're not mad at me?" She asked in a small voice looking up at him while her hands clutched his shirt.

"Not even a little bit. But we're never going to a club again. What if something would've happened to you?" He concerned while his tone gets cold at the end.

"Okay." Merely whispering she hugged him sighing in peace.

After sometime, they both got ready for their office.

And right now, Abhimaan is brushing his wife's hair who is smiling at him through mirror.

He loves to pamper and spoil her.

Not long after, they both went downstairs only to met with their family members who were waiting for both of them at the dining table.

Greeting them they sat on their respective chairs and had breakfast.

"Don't tell this to Maan. Please." Arshita whispered as she very carefully put the capsicum pieces in Yuvaan's plate.

"I don't like capsicum. You eat these green monsters." He lightly narrowed his eyes at her placing them in her plate along with his vegetables too.

She gasped seeing him putting his vegetables in her plate.

Great! Now she has even more vegetables to finish.

"Why do you put your vegetables in my plate?" She pouted angrily receiving a teasing smirk from him in return.

But that smirk fell down when Abhimaan's stern voice fell onto his ears.

"Both of you, eat your own vegetables. I don't want even a single grain left on your plates."

And just like that, Yuvaan quickly took his veggies return and started eating.

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