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Noora's POV.

I don't understand what happened. A few days ago, I met this man in the hospital I work at and he showed interest in me. I was not sure about it because first of all—he is clearly older than me and secondly, he is a criminal.

Despite being aware of all that, I thought maybe letting him have it his way would make things a bit more clear for him. But now, he disappeared for almost another week.

I don't really mind...I mean it's not like I wanted him to come to me all the time but he was so persistent and now he's just gone. Shouldn't I know if he's okay at the very least?

Today, I'm meeting Zayn's mother. I'm not doing this for him, I'm doing this for the sake of his mother as she was truly kind to me and treated me like her own daughter.

After work, Zayn's car was parked in front of the entrance of the hospital. He insisted on picking me up.

"Hi," he says as I got into his car.

"Hi" I replied.

"How was your day?" He asked.

"Busy but alhamdullilah. And yours?"

"It was so so but now that you're here, it's better" I slightly smiled. I don't want him to think there's a possible change of us in the futur because there isn't.

He drove to his home and then we made our way inside. I was greeted by his mother immediately as she hugged and kissed my cheeks. Then, she dragged me to the living room where she basically forced to me have tea and cookies.

We talked about life and any recent updates. The whole time Zayn was sitting across us watching us.

"My dear, tell me what my son did? Has he hurt you in any kind of way?" She asked all of a sudden.

"No aunty, there's nothing...we are good." I don't want to worry her for nothing.

"Is that why you stopped coming over?" She proceeded to ask.

"Of course not aunty. I'm officially a nurse now. It takes all my time away. But, that doesn't mean I forgot about you." I explained.

"Okay. If ever—" my phone rang all of a sudden.

No caller ID? Who could it possibly be?

"I apologize, give me a sec" I got up leaving the living room to answer the call.


"What the hell are you doing at his place? Do you want me to commit a crime in front of you?" His deep voice snapped at me.

I hated the way he was speaking to me. Rude and disrespectful. When people yell at me for unnecessary reason, I stay calm while my heart shatters and then I ignore them. It's too much for my sensitive heart and I feel like it'll happen again so I stop trying.

"Leave his house right now. If you don't, he'll pay for it." He said before hanging up.

I need to leave not because he told me to but because I don't want to break down in front of Zayn and his mother.

I excused myself and told them I needed to rush back home to nano. Zayn suggested to drive me but I declined immediately. I walked out of his house and saw Ozan's car parked right in front. I ignored him completely and turned on my right walking away without looking back.

Don't cry Noora, don't's not worth it. He's not worth your tears.

A car honked and I knew it was his. He was following me and honking at me as I was trying to ignore him. I'm not turning back, I don't care. What is this game? He comes in my life whenever he pleases and takes over my days wanting to stay by his side? He threatens me and scares me when he wants to?

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