Twisted Games

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Noora's POV.

You know that feeling of walking in a garden and as you pass by, flowers bloom one after the other? That's how life has been. Life with Ozan.

I fell hard. I tried not to but I did.

Everything started just...being better. My mood is better, l like being around him. I like cooking for him. I like just staring at him without saying anything. I like it when he catches me off guard and kisses me. I like it when he hugs me from the back. I like it when I cook him something and he makes sure to eat every tiny bit left on the plate. I like cuddling him in bed.

We make sure to eat together and sleep together. I never thought that would be a possibility because he's a busy man. But, he made time for me. He rearranged all of his schedule just for me.

I feel loved. When he leaves, I miss him immediately even though I know he'll be back.

That's how I know that I love him.

After having visited Nano in the morning, we both separated to go to work. Then, I was able to finish early and bought groceries to take home and cook him one of my favourite dishes.

Once home, I changed into different clothing and then made my way to the kitchen to start preparing the meal. I played one of my favourite songs and then began. I couldn't stop smiling. The reason for my smile being him.

I was humming to the song as I focused on the dish when all of a sudden, the doorbell rang. It can't be him—he never rings the bell.

I stopped the music and went to open the door. As I opened the door, I met with...Maria?

"Hey...what brings you here?" I was so confused but it also got me wondering how she found out we lived here. Ozan had told me no one knew.

"Hey, can I come in?" Of course, I wasn't going to not let her in. I welcomed her in.

"Have a seat, I'll bring you something to drink" I told her to sit in the living room as I went to grab her a can of soda.

I came back, gave it to her and then sat across her. Why do I feel nervous? There's no reason to be. She is Ozan's good old friend and she came to visit.

"What brings you here?" I asked after a long silence.

"How was the honeymoon?" I did not expect her to ask me that instead.

"It was...very good. Ozan has been nothing but great to me." I said.

"You know, I had never thought he'd settle down. I was so sure no woman was made for him. I was around when he met all sorts of women. I'm still very...not sure about his current choices." I won't lie. I feel like she's twisted her words to make it sound okay when it's not. Because I feel like it's directed at me.

"What do you mean by that? Current choices?" I asked.

"The thing is that Ozan...never settles down. He tried many times in the past just never worked. Did you guys have sex?" I was flabbergasted by her question. We didn't yet. But, she doesn't need to know that. Or perhaps...does she know already? Ozan couldn't have told her about it.

"I'd like to keep that personal." I thought this conversation had come to an end however what she proceeded to say indeed twisted my thoughts.

"He married you because he wanted to sleep with you. He knew he wasn't allowed to get too close to you unless married. So, he married you. The whole purpose was to have sex with you—you let him in and he figures out if he likes you. Because he wasn't willing to accept the fact that he liked you. I'm his best friend Noora. I'm warning you before it's too late." My heart dropped down to my stomach and I could feel it. There's no way whatever she's saying is true.

"" She pulled out her phone and showed me a picture of a little boy and girl in wedding gowns.

"He's also married. He got married at a very young age to this girl you see in the picture. I'm not sure if he's aware. Probably not but I thought you'd want to know." I couldn't utter a word nor could I seem to breathe properly.

I got up holding onto my apron tightly.

"I won't believe you. Ozan will tell me himself. He wouldn't do that to me." I managed to say.

"You're shocked—"

"No—stop. You have no right to walk into my home and say all of this to me. Why would you come to me now and what makes you think I'll believe you?" I was getting angry.

"You don't have to believe me. But, I care for you. He's eventually going to sleep with you and then walk away when he'll realize you're not capable of giving him what he needs. I'm trying to prevent that but if you don't want to believe me—then don't. I have no reason to lie and I could have kept this to myself but I decided to tell you anyway. I'm leaving now." She said before walking out of the living room. I heard the door closing and knew she had left. How does she know what he needs? How does she know I'm not good enough? Is she telling the truth? Was everything all a play? Was I a game to him?

I fell on my knees out of shock. They can't support me anymore. My heart began beating fast, my hands began shaking and I couldn't think straight anymore. My breathing got harsh and before I could even realize it—I was having a full-on panic attack. It only took a few more seconds before I felt my body giving up on me and losing consciousness.


My eyes slowly opened and I noticed I was still laying on the living room floor just like...I looked at the clock on the wall. I was unconscious for thirty minutes.

I managed to sit up and I just felt like I was in need of a big fat hug so I hugged my knees. Everything played back in my head. I began crying again but this time, it was painful because I wasn't panicking anymore but I could feel every emotion. It's not true. I refuse to believe it is but then why is my gut feeling telling me otherwise?

Why am I allowing myself to believe Maria? My mind could be playing tricks on me, I know that but whatever just happened can't be ignored.

I heard my phone buzzing and went to the kitchen to grab my phone. Ozan had messaged me. He's not coming up. He got caught up in work. I let out a sigh and turned off my phone. I need air and then I need answers. I think I know who can help me.


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