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Noora's POV.

Sanam is a sweetheart. She gave me a tour of the whole villa. She introduced me to the housekeeping team, the kitchen team, the gardener, the bodyguards and the maids. She showed me her secret place where she hides all sort of snacks and sweets. They have someone for everything in here.

I never expected for him to have a sister let alone for her to be this sweet. She must feel like a princess living in here.

"Have you met grandma?" She asked me when we make it to the patio on the third floor. They've got a nice setting of outside dining table and chairs. We both take a seat and feel the fresh air.

"I did. Last night." I said.

"She scared you didn't she?" How does she know?

"Trust me, she's really kind. That's just how she is. She's not so happy with Ozan marrying you without any ceremony or even party. He rushed things and she likes things to go slowly and at her pace." She explained.

"You know me? She knows me?" I've never met anyone.

"Of course. Ozan told me about you and then I told everyone about you. I have big mouth." We bot chuckled.

"So tell me, what made you fall for him?" Should I tell her the truth? I don't want her to hate her brother.


"He forced you, didn't he?" She's bolder than I thought.

"He threatened me. He made my grandmother believe we loved each other. I was ready to take things slowly but he...just wouldn't understand me." I explained.

"I'm sorry. He's an asshole but I promise, he's so much more better than you think. You can hate him but he's just a man wanting for his woman to love him. Don't resent him." She said.

"How can he be so sure...I'm the woman he loves? We've only recently met." I asked.

"I don't know but...I know about all of his past relationships. He never brought a girl home let alone to his room. He doesn't even let me, and I'm his blood related sister—into his room. Even the housekeeping and maids aren't allowed in his personal space. Wether he's home or not, no one invades his space without permission. But you, he let you in without questioning anything. That tells me enough about wether he loves you or not." My heart froze for a moment. Do I...really matter that much to him? Does he care about me?

I zoned out for a few seconds before she snapped her fingers in my face.

"You okay?" She asked as I nodded.

"You go to school?" I asked.

"I do. I'm not sure what I want. Grandma says to just join the business but...that's not really what I want. But, that's also a problem...I don't know what I want." I see myself in her. I was like her years ago. I had no idea what to do with my life.

"You don't have to know automatically what kind of job you want. It could be a feeling you enjoy having, something you like making, something you find joy in...anything that brings you content that could be put to work." I explained.

"Mmh...animals. Pets. I love pets. I could spend my day watching animals interact. But that's just for fun...nothing serious..."

"Who said it wasn't serious? You like it right?"


"Well, it's worth it then. It is serious. There's plenty of jobs that involves animals and pets. I'm sure there is one that will fit you." I said.

"I...never thought about it that way...thank you Noora. I needed to hear that." She smiled at me.

All of a sudden, I received a text message from Ozan.

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