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Noora's POV.

The next morning, that same image of them being on top of each other kept replaying in my head. After running away like a coward, I tried my best to fall asleep which was barely possible.

The truth is that I was waiting the rest of the night for him to come to bed but it never happened. He spent the whole night with that beautiful Maria. To say that I don't care would be a big lie. And, I am a bad liar.

After all those words he said to me, all those felt like he kissed me a thousand times and crossed all the walls to get to my heart and then I see this?

I don't know what to exactly think. I don't want to be heartbroken but it feels like I'm getting there.

I'm in the kitchen helping the staff again. I know he didn't want me to be here but I'm nervous and I want to let it out by doing something other than staring at this fabulous villa.

Also, I do like to help in the kitchen. I need to ask him until when did he took vacation from the hospital for me. I'm more than ready to go back and take care of patients. He got me some vacations without my permission but I have no idea how long for. I miss my best friend and I want to tell her everything but that's not possible. Unless he permits me to say something.

I shouldn't have to even ask. I wonder how she'll react. She'll probably threaten to kill Ozan for me.

"You, what are you doing in the kitchen?" I froze and looked up to meet Sultan.

My heart stopped for a second.

"I...I...helping?" Why did it come out interrogative?

"You shouldn't be. Follow me." I dropped everything and followed her.

I followed her until we made it outside in the splendid backyard. There was a field of roses that caught my eye. These are gorgeous and Nano would love them.

I silently kept following Sultan from behind. She had her hands behind her back just like elderly people are tempted to do. I noticed her black dupatta always loosely around her head.

All of a sudden, she stopped and turned to me as our eyes met.

"What do you really want from him?" She asked and I was confused.

"I don't think I understand your question" I replied.

"Why are you here?" She asked and I remained silent because I didn't know what to say.

"Do you love him?" She then asked after a short silence.

"I'm...trying," I said. I really am.

"So you mean to tell me that you're not here for the benefits?" Now, I think I know where she's getting with this conversation and I know it will hurt.

I have no idea what anyone in this house thinks about me. No one except Sanam talks to me. However, if this is what everyone thinks...then I should make it clear. I must make it clear.

"I...never accepted to marry your grandson. I was forced into this marriage. I had no intentions, no even begin with. And when I say that I am trying to love him, I say that because he never gave me the chance to love him. I didn't ask for anything from him. All I wanted was some time, respect and love. But, you must know that he is a very special person. And, nothing that I wanted happened." I explained.

Weaknessحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن