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Noora's POV.

"I can't believe you kept it a secret from me. I was dying on the inside of guilt and shame." I honestly told Samira.

The fact that she knew about it and kept silence did me dirty. My mental health was going downhill.

"I'm sorry okay? But, I had no choice. Your husband is literally a serial killer." I got chills when she said that. Is it...really true?

"I...I..." I'm always at loss of words. Should I protect him or should I just keep silence because this might be true?

"It's not your fault Noor. It wasn't your fault then and it still won't be now. You don't have to hold the guilt or shame for this. This is not upon you." My best friend reads me so well.

"Thank you Samira" I replied. We talked a bit more and then I hung up because it was almost 7pm and I needed to get ready for diner.

He's taking me out...I feel nervous. How will this night go? I must admit, there is something between us...something that is pulling us towards one another.

Which is odd to me because I still can't process how I got here. How we got here.

All these dresses hanging up in his huge wardrobe are amazing. I can't bring myself to pick one.

The green maxi dress caught my eye more than the others so I decided to try it first. I changed into it and took a look at myself in the mirror.

I look...I didn't know I could look this good. It's as if this was perfectly made for me.

My phone buzzed and it was a message from Ozan. He's waiting for me outside already.

I left my hair opened. I had washed them just yesterday and I have no idea how to style them. Forgot about makeup or else I'll be here for longer than planned. I sprayed perfume and then ran out of the house.

He was waiting for me, his back leaning against his black wrangler. He looked great as always.

"Fuck" he swore looking at me as my eyes got wide.

"Why...did you swear?" My heart panicked.

"No—it' look gorgeous." I blushed. Hard.

His gaze...on me. It's as if he was ready to devour me. As if at any given chance he wouldn't waste a second to have me all to his.

"T-thanks." I stuttered.

"Get in the car." I don't think that meant to sound the way it did but I did as he ordered.

The ride to wherever he was taking me was calm apart from the fact that he drives like he's racing someone. Then, as we arrived to the destination...I was amazed. He brought me to the beach. My heart is vibrating because the beach is so special to me.

The wind, the waves, the water...everything about the beach makes me happy.

"Give me your hand" he said bringing his hand forward for me to take. I took his hand and now we are walking along the beach hand in hand.

My hair danced with the wind and I let them. I feel free. I feel like I can breathe again. I didn't know that I felt like I couldn't for a while until now.

"What are you thinking?" He asked me.

"I...I feel numb. Like...this is a dream." I honestly said.

"Why?" He asked.

"Because...I...did not expect to be married this young to someone I don't even know." His hand holding my hand got tight.

"I'm an asshole right?" Have I said something wrong?

"You're...I don't know what you are. But, you're my husband now. And...I will try my best to love you." He stopped and turned to me.

"You' precious." He caresses my cheek.

"Let's sit" I suggested blushing hard.

We sit on the warm sand side by side as we watched the waves. There's a silence between us but for the first time, I am enjoying the calmness that is sitting with us.

"Tell me your story. Tell me everything I need to know about you." I finally said.

"You really want to know?" He asked.

"Yes I do. I want to know understand you." I said.

"I grew up with the support of both my parents. They were both present in my life until their death. After they left, it was the rest of the family that took over and my sister along side with me. I became...rough. I didn't want to have three meals a day, go to school, make friends, study...I couldn't be a normal kid again. I was grieving and their death...hit me right in the face. I knew I had to take care of the only person I had left which was my sister. It's hard for me to be soft. I guess she's the first woman who sort of calms me down. And then, Sultan. The way she controlled my life made me sick. I felt uneasy...and now here I am. I have the gang and my opinion matters because the town needs it." He explained.

"I'm sorry about your parents. You were just a must—I mean I know it's hard." I know how he feels.

"I think...that the one thing we share in common is probably this tragedy." I said.

We both looked at each other intensely. Our faces slowly approaching one another.

I was going to let him kiss me and that would have been my first kiss but I moved back.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"Ozan...I...I need to tell you something but I'm..." I can't even finish my sentence.

"You what Noor?"All of his attention is on me.

"I'm afraid I'll be judged." I admitted.

"You don't have to be scared. I know that I am very serious and...alright I tempt to be scary but I want you to tell me everything. I wanna listen to you and understand you." My heart melts but he can't see that.

"Don't kiss me. I mean...don't ever let your lips collapse on mine." I could see his expression changing, his jaw clenching.

"Has something happened to you in the past that I should know of or do you...not like me?" He asked.

"No no...I want to kiss you myself. I want to fall in love with you but for that you need to give me the chance to. You like me and I know that but I need time. Can you do that for me?" I explained.

He kept staring into my eyes before looking at the sea letting out a sigh.

"God, I didn't know it was gonna be this hard. I'm ready for it though. As much as I want to kiss you every time you say a word...I'll wait. If that's what you want." He agreed and I smiled.

I laid my head on his shoulder as we both kept looking at the sea. After a while, we had diner on the beach. I had not expected him to have a whole diner ready on the beach. Turns out, he had rented this whole area for the night for the both of us. He went above and beyond for me.

I could have never imagined a man doing this for me. Not even in my wildest dreams. But, he did.


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