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Noora's POV.

Why did he have to show up here? I feel like everywhere I go, I see him. He's always watching me. I have no privacy because of him. He keeps trying to talk to me but I refuse to hear him out.

I know he doesn't take no as an answer. I know very well all his ways. But, I don't care.

I need caffeine. I haven't had breakfast nor lunch and now I'm starving but I can't seem to eat.

Today is the Nikah and the house is full of people. I walked into the crowd and made it to the kitchen to make myself some chai.

"You're here" I turned and he stood there staring at me. I'm ignoring him.

"How long are you going to ignore me? It's been almost a month Noor. Trying to figure out how I fucked up, trying to find out where you were, trying to get you back and now that I have you right in front of my eyes...I can't do anything but look..." his words hit but I couldn't let him see that.

"You shouldn't even look at me. Actually, you don't have the right to. We are not married anymore." I stated pouring milk into the pan.

"We are." He replied.

"Sure. Believe whatever you want."

"I never signed those papers. Nor will I ever. You hear me? I'm not divorcing you." I could already tell his jaw was clenching from anger and frustration.

He's mad and I don't care.

"You'll sign them eventually." I said turning around and leaning back before folding my arms.

"I will never...don't you get it? I can't see myself without you. It's hard to even—"

"You'll eventually do so once you see me moving on with my life. Ozan, I have made the decision to move on. We are nothing anymore." I explained. Not that I believe he'll understand.

"Be careful with your words don't want to see the beast in me—"

"Oh please. What did I tell you about not threatening me? Seriously, what do you get from scaring other people? Don't play with fire, beast mode? Enough is enough. You're not gonna do anything to me or my loved ones because if you do...then I'll pray day and night for YOUR downfall. I don't wish bad on others but you have no right to mess with my life like this. Just..." I'm angry and it's because of him. Now, I feel like crying. I turned back around to have a look at my chai but also because if I kept looking at his face, I'd surely start crying.

"Go back home to your fiancé or whoever that is waiting for you. Let's just end the madness." I added.

"Noora?" I turned around to the familiar voice and saw Yosuf.


"Hey I disturbing?" He asked.

"No not at all. Did you need me?" I asked.

"Actually, my sister wanted to see you. She wasn't able to welcome you so...but it can wait if anything—"

"I'm coming, let me just finish with my chai and then I'll meet you there" I said.

"Okay, awesome" he left.

"Who the fuck is this guy?" I turned off the stove and turned to a full on angry Ozan. It was actually visible on his face now.

He got too close to me and I couldn't help but gasp.

"Who the fuck is this guy and why the fuck does he blush when talking to you?" He snapped.

"That's my cousin. And why do you even care?" I said.

"Because I fucking do. He laid his eyes on you." He said through gritted teeth.

WeaknessOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz