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Noora's POV.

Coming back to Pakistan indeed made me feel a bit better. Everything here feels different but it somehow feels like home. Nano is happy and that's enough for me.

"Noora? Are you here?" My cousin, Yosuf snapped his fingers in my face bringing me back to earth.

"Hey, sorry...I was thinking." I fake chuckled.

"That's okay. It feels really nice to see you here." He said.

"I'm glad to be here" I replied with a smile.

"Are you married now?" That came out of the blue.

"No I'm not. What about you?" I asked.

"Neither. I mean I got a bunch of proposals but none interest me." He said.

Yosuf is a cool guy. He's tall, he's got black hair and green eyes. Most girls in this town goggle at him most of the time. I'm surprised he's still single.

"You'll find the one when it's the right time." I said this to cheer him up. In reality, I don't believe in love anymore. That doesn't mean I'd wish for others to not have it. Actually, I wish that everyone around me gets what they deserve.

"Ok come on now, spill the beans." I looked at him confused.


"Nano told everyone about your mariage Noora. Why are you lying about it?" He proceeded to ask.

Shit. Of course, everyone knows because everyone talks.

"Just...believe me?" I'm trying to not have to explain anything.

"I will but at least explain to me why." He said.

"It's simple. The man wasn't the one for me." I said. I don't want to talk about him. Just thinking about him makes me heart squeeze.

"Okay fine. I won't push it. Whatever it is...keep your smile Noora. I'm serious, no one should be the reason of you not smiling anymore." I smiled at him.

"Thank you Yosuf" I said.

"I'll get going—am I seeing you tonight at the wedding?" One of our cousins is getting married and everyone is currently in the mids of preparations.

"Yeah...I'll see you there." I wasn't going to go however...I feel stuck doing nothing and overthinking. Maybe, attending a wedding would change my mind a bit.


I am lost in my thoughts as the professional applies mehndi on my hands. I was convinced that I'd be able to have a change of mind once here but oh boy, was I wrong. This is worse.

Loud music was playing, the bride was getting her mehdni applied by professionals while being surrounded with family and friends. She was happy and she was the light in the room. It was nice to see.

My phone rang all of a sudden and I kindly had to ask the mehdni lady to answer it for me. She picked up the call and placed the phone on my ear.


"Hi dear, it's me. Come and see me—I have a surprise for you." It was nano.

"Okay nano, I'll be there in a sec." I said before we both hung up.

Nano was busy going around everywhere and helping here and there. She was also very popular and loved. Everyone wanted her blessings and since we do not live in Pakistan for most part, this neighbourhood is really fond of her. They don't pass by without saying hi.

The lady quickly finished applying the mehdni before moving along to another person. I got up trying not to touch my heavy dress with my hands. The last thing that I want is ruin this beauty of a dress. One of my cousins lent it to me and I wish to give it back to her just as she gave it to me.

I made it out of the of where the mehdni ceremony was taking place and made my way to the living room. I'm pretty sure nano is there.

I made it there and my heart stopped beating. He was here. Standing right beside my grandmother. He made it to me. Damn it. This is so bad.

"My dear, look who came to visit" nano said.

His eyes were stuck on me however I made sure to not look at him for more than a second. He has no right to be here.

"Nano, the bride was looking for you" I lied. I just need an excuse for nano to leave.

"Oh really? Okay, I'm going. Show him around." She smiled at me before leaving.


"You shouldn't be here." I cut him off before he could say anything.

"Noor, please—hear me out." He sounded tired. He looked sleep deprived as if he had just gotten out of the plane an hour ago. His hair were messy but god...he still smelled so good and he looked so perfect. No, I need to stop.

"You have to leave Ozan. And, stop calling me by my nickname. As a matter of fact, don't call out my name at all. I don't want anyone here to think...we know each other." I sounded cold which was unlike me.

"You're mad at me. You're upset and you don't want to look at me...I get that. But, you have to give me a chance. Please, I beg you." I could barely recognize him. He would never react in such a way before.

"No." I said before turning around and walking back to the ceremony. If he wants to stay, that's okay. But, I won't be caring.


I am washing my hands in the bathroom. The colour of the mehndi looks gorgeous on my skin. It's been a while since I've had mehndi on. I fixed my hair and then opened the door to leave when I bumped into something hard.

It was him.

"What are you—"

He walked forward until we were both inside of the bathroom which didn't have much space. He locked the door behind us and turned back to me. My heart skipped a beat. We haven't been this close for a while.

"You're shameless. Open the door and let me out." I ordered.

"Please, hear me out." He begged.

"No. Open the door."

"Please," he took another step towards me closing the gap left between us.


"Please baby...please" he connected his forehead to mine.

Why was his forehead warmer than mine? Was he sick? I shouldn't care.

"There's nothing left to say's time you accept it." I said.

"That's where you're mistaken. I always get what I want. I know I don't deserve you but I refuse at all costs to let you go." He said.

"Typical selfish you." I slightly pushed him.

"I'm not letting you step over me ever again." I reached the door and was about to open it when he grabbed my arm and turned me around, my back colliding on the wall.

"Don't start something you can't end. You think I'm gonna let you move on? From me? From everything we've been through? Absolutely not. You're mine and mine only. Think about doing something in my back and I'm telling you—"

"I'm not scared of you. Your threats won't work on me anymore. If this is what you think of me then I'll show you how easily I can get another men. Watch." I said before finally opening the door and leaving him.

I'm not shameless like him. I won't ever do something to hurt him even if our relationship ended. Therefore, if he wants to threaten me then I'll do the same.


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