The Offer

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Bold fond- Dates, Places, English dialogues
Normal fond - Present time narration and dialogues in Korean
Italics - Character's thoughts
Bold Italics - Character's diary
Normal fond underline - Flashback


Toronto, Canada

Yumi's pov

"Shit, I'm late again". I cursed as I checked the time after snoozing my alarm four times.
Jumping down the bed, I quickly made my way to the bathroom to get ready. After showering I started digging into my closet for today's outfit.

After putting a light makeup and setting my hair, I grabbed my bag and car keys to make a run to the parking lot only to be stopped by my mom

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After putting a light makeup and setting my hair, I grabbed my bag and car keys to make a run to the parking lot only to be stopped by my mom.
"You are not leaving without having breakfast"
She said in stern voice.

"Moooom, I'm really late now I'm sorry I'll grab something on my way."

I said with quick peck on her cheek and made my way to dad, who's sitting on the couch with today's newspaper. I could hear my mom yelling about my health if I keep on going like this.
"It's not good for you kid, you know it"

"I know dad, but I'm really late today"
Giving him a peck on his cheek, i walked to the door.

"See you later pops"

"See you later bubs"

"See you later mom'"
No reply.
She's mad.
I sighed as I ran again to the car.
Thankfully, the traffic was not so bad today.

Making my way through the front door, I speed walked to company cafe to grab a cup of hot milk coffee. My favourite. I still had some minutes, so I decided to drink the coffee from the cafe itself. The cup that I took to my cabin yesterday was still there. There was no place for one more cup on my table.

It's still early but my fav girl Claire was already stressed. Up coming world tour of her artist is really stressing her.
"Not so good morning Claire?"

"Nooooo, there's some issues regarding the venue again". She whined.

"Want me to grab a coffee for you?" I asked as I patted her shoulder.

"No, I already had one". She paused.
"Ah Yumi, Mr. Micheal asked you to meet him in his office."


"No idea"

Several thoughts started to run through my mind as I walked towards his office. Is he going to fire me. I know it's partially my fault. But I was just so excited about Starykids concert.




Heyyyyyyy bestie,

Well that's actually my diary and yes we are besties. Nobody knows me more than my diary, well my fav girl too. I know it's cliche, but heyy I enjoy writing about my day. But I don't write everyday though. Only on special days. So yeah.....

Guess what happened today... I got the email confirming my Straykids concert ticket!!!!! that too front row as I dreamed. When I told Claire about it she was silently screaming for the next two minutes. But I'm little sad. She also wanted to come but the ticket was sold out even before she tried to get. I have no idea how I got mine though. But she is cool with it which is a relief. BUT that's not the whole story. Remember when I told you I want to see the Northern lights, and guess what, their concert is at Norway. That too in September, the best time to see Northern lights.Two birds with one stone makes sense now. I will get to see Straykids also the miraculous beauty of Northern lights. Welp I have soo many things to do. I have book my flight, my hotel room, buy new outfits, also I have to give my camera a professional checkup. It's not been in good condition lately. 23/09/25, 159 days from now on. I can't wait Dear God help me. I have no idea how I'm gonna sleep from now on. I'll prolly stay up dreaming about the concert. Dark circles...... welcome my dear friend.


I was on my way to Mr.Micheal' s office to ask for a week's leave to the concert and Norway trip. Since I haven't used my this year's leave quota, I was sure he had no choice but to give me leave. The excitement really got into me that I just barged into his office without knocking only to witness him being nasty with his secretary. I was flabbergasted. Like dude, he is married. They started to fix themselves. But even before they could process what just happened, I muttered some incomprehensible apology and ran. I was sure this is gonna gimme some trauma for life


I'm sure he's gonna threaten me to keep my mouth shut.

As I reached his office door, I knocked twice.
"Come in."

"Good morning, Sir."

"Aah Yumi, good morning."

"Sir I'm really sorry about yesterday. I should have knocked. But I was just so excited, that I literally forgot to knock. I promise my lips are sealed. I didn't tell anyone and I won't tell anyone in the future, not a single soul."
I blurted out.

Now it was him who's shocked.
"Ah, don't worry about it. It was wrong of you just barge in, but no misunderstandings. We are actually dating."

Again it was my turn to be shocked.
"But Sir, aren't you married?"

"Well i was, but things were little complicated. So we thought it would be better if part ways. We are divorced."

"Oh I'm sorry."

"Don't be."

"So I'm not being punished?"

"No. You thought that was the reason to call you here."


"Well then that's not the reason."
"I actually have proposal for you."

A proposal

"You have always been an excellent manager. And you have experience too. I know your still managing Payne, but I actually have a good offer for you. One of our superior company need an immediate requirement for a manager. Their current have some issues and leaving the company within 3 weeks. But inviting new applicants and interviewing them, then training them could take a lot of time. They want someone with experience in managing field. So they decided to go for internal recruitment. The payment really good. Triple times what you are getting right now. So I suggested your name. They are happy with your resume and my opinion about you. But the problem is, you will have to move from here. You have to give me your answer within 2 days. And if you are accepting the offer, you will have to move within 3 weeks. You will be starting on 1st of October."

That took a minute to process.
"But sir, which company is this? And who is the artist?

"JYP entertainment. And the artists are Straykids."

Sooooo.... how's the story so far?? Lemme know 😉

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