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a/n: I may or may not mention date and place from now on in the upcoming chapters, unless it's relevant.

Third person's pov

Her phone rang, interrupting her workout music. She stopped the treadmill and grabbed her phone from her bag, smiling upon the stupid name she saved as his contact. She received the call.

"Yumi you're on speaker."


"I was just warning you, in case you decided to confess your love for me." She deadpanned.

"What is it Jisung?" The girl panted.

"Woah where are you? Why are you panting? Wait, are you coming running to me." He had a smug grin plastered on his face.

"Jisung for god's sake it's seven in the morning. And for your kind information I'm not coming running to you. I'm at the gym."

"You go to gym?"

"Yeah why?"

"Nothing. Where is this gym?"

"The one near our apartment complex."

"Why do you go there, when you can workout at the company gym for free?"

"Do they have separate section for ladies?"

"Now for your kind information, there are female idols also in our company if you didn't know."

"Thanks for the information. Now why did you call?"

"Right, you joining for breakfast? Felix is making pancakes."

"Is it made with too much buttah." She faked an Aussie accent.

"I personally felt offended by that Yumi." She could hear him yelling through the phone. She chuckled.

"Sure, I'll join."

"Cool. And don't forget bring roses for me."

"Jisung if you were with me, I would have beaten the shit out of you."

"Oops, someone woke upon the wrong side of the bed." She inhaled, calming herself. The boys were giggling at the bickering of the two.

"Bye." She pressed the red button and put it back in her bag. She quickly finished her workout and went back to her apartment to get ready.

After a quick shower, she slipped into her outfit for the day.

After a quick shower, she slipped into her outfit for the day

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She entered the apartment lock number and entered. The pleasant smell of fresh pancakes filling her nostrils.

"Good morning short kings." She greeted loud with a grin on her face.

"I don't know if I should feel happy or insulted." Innie stopped on his way to hug her. She grinned at him.

"If we are short, then what are you?" Minho asked as she entered in the kitchen.

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