Coincidence or Fate

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Oslo, Norway

Jisung's pov

We were on our way back to the hotel. I groaned streching my back.
"I just want to sleep."

"Me too." Said the maknae.

"What are having for dinner?" Changbin asked rubbing his tummy.

"I don't know. All I know is I'm getting blueberry cheesecake for dessert."

"We can eat from the hotel cafe. I heard the pasta there is really good ." Chan suggested.

"I want lasagna." Minho said.

"Me too." Felix said raising his hand.


We all settled back. Hyunjin was smiling to himself.

"What's so funny Hyunjina?"


"Why are you smiling at yourself?"

"Oh it's nothing." But his ears were giving him away.

"Nothing? Then why is your ears so red?" That got everyone's attention. He quickly covered his ears with his hand.

"What are you hiding hyung?" Innie squinted his eyes.

"I'm not hiding anything. It's just... " He shrugged his shoulders.

"Dude spill it."

"IwasjustthinkingaboutYumi." He rapped. But we all heard it loud and clear.

Everyone cooed.

"You like her or something?" Seungmin asked.

"I don't know. But she's an interesting girl, you know. She's not all shy and giggly type. She's pretty too. And she called me pretty boy." He trailed off.

"She speaks her mind." Chan stated.
"Wait, you said you met her at the lobby yesterday right?"

"Yes I did."

"Does that mean, she's staying at the same hotel?"

"Possible. But Hyunjin could be wrong too. It may not be her he met yesterday." Changbin said and everyone nodded.

"I trust my eyes hyung." Hyunjin side eyed Changbin, he just shrugged.

"Why are we talking about her now? We might not even meet her again." What Felix said was true, we might not meet her again. It was a one time thing.

"Sad but true. She's such a fun person. I bet hangouts with her will never be boring. I would love to became besties with her."

"But she said something before she got off the stage right?" Minho said. Hope evident in his voice.

"Yea I remember when I said I hope we can meet again, she said oh we will, like she was certain."

"Maybe she meant about our next concert. She's probably planning on coming." Innie shrugged at his own statement.

"Probably." Hyunjin sighed.

Yumi's topic died down eventually.

Yumi's pov

Music were still ringing in my ears. I could still see them infront of my eyes and I was smiling to myself.

"How was the concert?" Daniel asked while driving.

"It was just AMAZING."

"I can see that from your face." I laughed.

He reached at the hotel. Wishing eachother good night, I went to my room and changed into something comfortable.

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