Chapter 9

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I try to take a deep breath and calm myself. I can't be getting upset over these stupid boys and my looks. Just yesterday some girl complimented me and how I was 'slaying' those shorts. I smile at how much happiness that little interaction brought me. So why do these boys... make me want to never eat again?

The door opens and I sigh wiping at my eyes frustrated. In comes serious faced Conner. After shutting the door he turns to look at me now confused? I think that's what the look is.

"Why aren't you playing?" He's up close in my space immediately. Which I started to realize was some thing that has started to become more frequent and I don't mind it one bit. One day we start talking. Next he's taking a step towards me every two sentences and eventually that led to him just sitting in bed next to me. The next day, the same thing that happened but when he's in bed next to me, I needed to touch. I didn't really have any plan until it happen again the next day. I made sure to be sitting in the middle when he came in so he was forced to sit right next to me. This led to me blushing profusely. I felt a bit pathetic about it. If this is how people are gonna treat me as friends!? I'm practically ready to get on my knees for this man. That being said, I should probably answer him. I'm just not sure I want to deal with anymore hate for the next hour or two.

"You're always playing when I come in after practice it's our daily thing. Can't ruin my schedule man." he tries to make a joke out of it adding a dry laugh afterwards. I just kind of shrug. Or maybe I should answer this time considering I didn't last time
"It's annoying Connor. Why should I play right now? I can wait till you're gone. I really don't need to annoy you because I seem to be struggling on the friend factor here at school." he seems a little appalled by my words. And he looks up to think for a minute, and then ultimately sits down next to me rushing through our usual steps. The ten minute conversation that leads to him being on my bed with me is nonexistent. Well that sounded really sexual my head. Oh my gosh I can't be flustered right now I'm about to cry. I mean I could also be sexual. Callum stop the thoughts!

"Cally." Even the way he says that stupid nickname makes it seem like he cares. Maybe he does care. I want him to care.

"When I come in groaning and complaining about it being annoying I'm just teasing. I kind of thought that was our dynamic. Teasing. I come in after practice moaning about how tiring the day was and you just play louder always trying to annoy me, but it's a good annoying. I like when you tease me back. I like when we mess with each other. Do you know every day I try to sneak in so I can hear you singing, but as soon as you hear my footsteps, you either go to humming or just stop singing overall. Still you're talented on the guitar. Will has a pretty cool owner." I laugh at the last comment but that doesn't stop me from going a very deep red. Why must you do this to me? Why must he sound so sweet and so sincere. I need some sort of signal that it means what I want it to mean. He has to mean it. I don't know what I'm gonna do with my life if he doesn't.

I look up at him not really sure what to say. Should I say thanks? He seems to catch on that I'm unsure and hesitant so he scoots closer.

"It makes me happy to hear you play when I come back" he repeats it leaning closer.

Neither of us had turned the light on so when he's able to get close enough to actually see my face his smile drops and I grimace. Is it noticeable?

"Cally have you been crying? What happened?"

I groan and roll my eyes before quickly leaning over the bed and grabbing the case with the guitar in it. Pulling him out, I rest the guitar in my lap correctly before randomly plucking a few strings.

"I'm currently hating on myself"

I strike some more strings. A horrible jumbled noise fills the room.

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