Chapter 48

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The door to our dorm room opens, and an out-of-breath Conner walks through, slamming it shut behind him. I give him a weird look, and he cringes, turning to look back at the door.

"Sorry, hard workout. So now I'm all pumped," he apologizes, patting the door handle before throwing his gym bag onto his bed. He takes the towel off his neck and sets it in his hamper, messing with his wet hair before coming over and flopping onto my bed.

I huff, swatting at his back. "Conner, my hard work!" I whine, watching him smush it under his large body.

"I missed you too," he grumbles, trying to crawl his way onto me. I just keep grumbling, grabbing my sheets of paper until I've got them packed away and safe from his grubby hands.

"Okay, I can give you attention now," I huff, rubbing my hand over his shoulder as he has now crawled into my lap, half his body still hanging off the bed to the point he's on his knees.

"Yay, I love attention," he practically tries to bury himself into my body. I smile some more, just letting my hands roam over his body.

"How was your workout?" I ask, and he sits up, scooting himself on my bed more. I notice he had been squishing a paper left behind and chuckle as he picks it up.

"Well, I got stuck working out with that group of three I can't stand. I swear Cash is going mental; he was just angrily working out, yelling things, and his friends were trying to calm him—hey, what is this for?" He changes the subject, even though it seems very worrying. I have a class with Cash. He had already physically hurt and mentally abused me. I don't want to deal with any more from him.

"Oh, it's wait—don't look at that!" I try to grab it from him, but he quickly stands, trying to wipe his wet hair out of his face. I go after him, standing and attempting to tug his arm down when he raises it up stiffly.

"Damn it," I curse, laying my head on his shoulder blade, embarrassed about what he was going to see. But I also wanted him to see it. If I really wanted it back, he would have given it to me.

"You're saving money? For... baby. What is this?" He asks, his smile dropping as he turns back to me. I guess this is fine. I wanted to talk about it.

"I'm trying to plan what I'm going to do this summer. I want to be able to come see you—you know, I just really... I love you, Conner, and I don't want to not see you the whole summer break. As much as I want to just stay with you here, I can't leave my dad and Emery yet. They're struggling at home... I need to get them settled, and then maybe next year we can get that apartment we wanted to get." I don't know why I started to get emotional; just the fact that I was going to have to go months without him possibly.

The paper slips from his hand, and he turns us both so he can hug me loosely.

"I get it... that makes sense. I will miss you, though. I can come visit you too, you know. It doesn't have to be one-sided. I can stay like a week or so, and you can do the same to come see me. Summer break will only be, well, a little less than four months... I can start looking at apartments since we still want to do that for next term, right?" He asks, and I nod, keeping my head down, just listening to the beating of his heart.

"That sounds good. Visiting you and you visiting me. I've been accepted for the job back in Texas, so I'll start working immediately. Another reason why I was just going over numbers. Just let me know how much we will have to pay a month. I trust you'll find a great place," I tell him, and he nods, kissing my head.

"Let's not worry about that too much. We've still got a little more than four months, my lovely prince. I'm going to cherish all our time together. I'll miss you the whole time. I only want you, and I will continue to only want you. So while you're gone, don't you dare forget it. I will remind you every day if I have to." His hand trails up from my back to grab at my black curls, lightly pulling my head back so I was staring back up at him. Surprised by his sincere and emotional eyes, I take another deep breath before going onto my toes to kiss his cheek.

"Thank you. Just for talking to me about it," I sigh, and he nods, using his fingers to run through my hair. I bite the inside of my cheek before stepping away from him. He drops his hands from my body.

"Of course, now why are you trying to escape me?" He hums, reaching forward to grab my hips and pull me right up against him, making me suck my stomach in as I place my hands on his chest. I get the knowing stern look and just smile, batting my eyelashes up at him, "Do I get an answer on why my beautiful boyfriend was running?" He leans down to kiss my neck. My mouth falls open as I close my eyes, trying to fumble through a good excuse. Not just that I wanted to not feel my stomach against his, but I also wanted to get him on the bed so I could show him how much I love him.

"Uhhh," I give myself time to answer. He pulls away from my neck, and I get the look away trying to stall. Time for a clean getaway.

"What is that?" I ask innocently, looking towards his bed, cocking my head to the side, confusion written all over my face.

He doesn't see what I'm looking at, so I turn more to point, making him let go of me. Knowing my key is in my sweatpants pocket, I bolt for the door, swinging it open and trying to close it behind me.

Once I see the hall empty, I jog down the hall, listening for any footsteps that might follow after me. I laugh when I hear him finally comprehend what just happened, by his words and laughter. I had already exited the first door by now and press the button on the elevator, waiting. I could take the stairs, but I kinda wanted to be stuck in the elevator with him. The doors slide open, and I quickly press any random button.

I pout, seeing the doors start to close. Yet it still makes my heart jump when a large arm sticks itself in, stopping it from closing completely.

"Are we playing a game of cat and mouse right now?" He asks, pressing another button just to keep us occupied longer. I can't help the giggles that escape my mouth as I throw my arms around his neck.

He backs us up, my back pressing against the cool wall of the elevator as I lean up, wanting his lips on mine.

"Why'd you run?" He asks, his eyes planted on my lips.

"Wanted you to chase me," I murmur, trailing a hand up from his neck to his hair.

"Fuck, you win," he curses, crushing his lips against mine. My eyes flutter shut, and the light grip I had in his hair grows tighter as I open my mouth, wanting more of him and quickly.

My body is squished between his and the wall, and I am too lust-filled to worry about that at the moment. I just need more and quickly.

Thankfully, my wonderful boyfriend catches on, and his tongue soon dominates my mouth. I moan quietly into his lips as he reaches a hand down to grasp at my ass.

I am ready to let him have me then and there when the elevator rings. My eyes widen in panic, and I quickly try to push my muscular boyfriend away. It does nothing, and he instead steps the other way, standing to my side. His hand stays rested on my ass, where he pulls me into his side, licking his bottom lip with the same lustful gaze in his eyes.

The door opens completely, and a college student steps in. One I recognize but don't know anything about.

"Sup, E?" Okay, so Conner definitely knows him. The guy looks up and gives him a nod.

"Hey," he presses the button for the lobby, and Conner looks over at the buttons.

"God, I'm an idiot. Why didn't you tell me I pressed the wrong floor?" He chuckles, quickly pressing our floor number so we would go there instead of the place we had initially chosen due to us being horny.

"I was a little caught up with other things," I shrug, not giving too much away as he returns to sit by my side. The elevator opens to the lobby first, and 'E' gets out with a wave, which we both return, and then it slowly takes us to the wrong floor and then ours.

As soon as the door opens again, Conner is smacking my ass and sending me forward.

"I felt the key in your pocket. So run. I was enjoying our game of chase." He chuckles in my ear. I roll my eyes and wrap my arms around his neck again.

"Well, I guess you really know how bad I want you now. I'm willing to run for you."

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