Chapter 40

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"Keep walking" Conner spits out. I look away from the window to see him staring at Jerron and Royce who were now continuing down the aisle.

"Sorry" Jerron mutters before he's dropping his head and continuing to the back. I had already been cuddled close to my boyfriend but my focus is on what is out the window. I like watching the world go by. Or when everything gets tiny. It just makes me happy. I love being on a plane.

I'm tapped from behind and quickly turn back to Eden.

"Hi" I laugh slightly at what I'm seeing. Troy seems to be trying to wrestle Eden into his lap. They kinda give in putting their legs over Troys and a hand in his hair massaging his scalp. Happy, Troy closes his eyes and relaxes back against the seat a hand resting underneath Eden's skirt on their thigh.

"Sorry about that- he gets cranky when he's sleepy" Eden teases their boyfriend getting a huff but no other answer.

"I just wanted to let you know I have snacks again if you want any! Go ahead and just grab my bag whenever!" They tell me.

"Okay thank you, I'd love to continue talking but I'll let you get back to dealing with him" I try to end the conversation knowing their boyfriend wanted all the attention at the moment. Troy smiles as Eden rolls their eyes. They're so cute together.

When I turn back to my boyfriend he sets his phone down and quickly pulls me into his embrace. I sorta copy Eden's action and put one leg over Conner's and he happily complies setting a hand on my thigh as his arm wraps around my shoulders.

I rest my head onto him and relax until I can practically feel his eyes digging into me so I look back up.

"Yes?" I ask while he squeezes my thigh a few times in his hand.

"Nothing just admiring my prince" he whispers before kissing my forehead. I lean up and press my lips against his for a soft kiss but it goes a little longer than I expected as his hand continues to knead into my thigh.

"I think we're getting our meal soon, once we're in the air... what movie do you wanna watch?" He pulls away. His words are trying to change the topic, but his eyes are still on my lips.

"Mmm I don't care, you can choose" I tell him but he doesn't like that.

"It's your birthday week. You have to choose what you like!" He complains as we're told to buckle up. Both of us do and try to get comfortable again.

"Okay I've got a movie then. You just have to wait and see" I whisper cuddling into my boyfriend who cuddles me back his lips planting small kisses all over my face.

"Somebody switch with me please!" Darius begs from next to us and I pull away embarrassed, but Conner just laughs.

"We can make Royce and Jerron sit there. Make em see what they wish they had" he mumbles, leaning down to nibble on my neck. My breath catches in my throat as my face goes red.

"I- if... I guess if you wanted?" I whisper possibly picking up on something that he may be hinting at.

"Darius- go switch with Royce and Jerron when the plane settles" he tells the guys across from us. There's a short laugh from Eden behind us, but it goes quiet moments later. I assume from Troy groaning and huffing.

"Baby boy are you going to eat dinner" I'm asked the hard question that I know is going to get me met with disappointment.

"I'm not that hungry. I ate before so I'm probably not going to eat tonight." I explain completely turning away when the plane starts to take off. He doesn't pry yet as I just stare outside the window. I'm going back to Texas. I'll get to see them. I invited them out mom said see you there. It's happening. It is happening!

I only look away from the ground below when the buckle lights turn off and Darius moves. A minute later Royce and Jerron come up and sit next to us. I was a bit timid of them being there but kept to myself just laying close to my boyfriend as he strokes my hair.

"Can you just try to eat a little bit? Maybe one of Eden's snacks instead?" He keeps his voice low making it a private conversation.

"Okay... yeah I can do that" I tell him before stealing another kiss.

He pulls away quickly and his face morphs into one of worry before he turns back to look at the two across from of us. I look as well and find that they're already staring. What? Did I do something?

"Oh baby, I don't know what happen but your seat is a mess, stand up real quick" he tells me. I listen, quickly standing up. Conner begins to wipe off my seat and I grow more confused considering nothing is there.

"I've got you" he tells me before turning me around and wiping off the back of my legs and ass.

There's a loud breathy noise and I finally catch on to what my jackass of a boyfriend was doing. He squeezes my ass and taps it once before telling me I'm okay to sit down.

I hurry to do so my face beet red. Crossing my arms I give him my best glare but he just bites his lip. I watch him as he turns to look at the peepers. I mean I do as well feeling shame flame up my face but both boy's eyes were firmly on me. Royce's complexion is red and Jerron is gripping his arm rest like he wants to crush it.

"That was embarssing" I voice my thoughts before scooting into him.

"Think of it like you dancing at the parties. You like to shake that beautiful ass of yours. Everybody watches and wants you, but only I can have you" he explains. I look up at him not wanting to think about that at all.

My internal thoughts are swatted away as his lips softly take mine into a very passionate kiss, catching me off guard completely. Conner's hand falls back in between my legs kneading softly into my thigh as I let him do as he pleases. Embarrassed, but enjoying it too much to stop.

There's a choking noise from across the aisle and I pull away to look at what happen. Conner cups my face and I look up at him flustered and kiss drunk at the moment. My eyes falling back to his lips.

"Why don't you get the movie you wanted to watch started, hmm?" He asks, his thumb rubbing up and down the side of my face.

"Mhmm... I can" I turn to the screen in front of us and start to mess around with it as he runs a hand through my hair tugging at my curls a little, keeping the butterflies in my stomach fluttering.

"See something you like?" Conner chuckles and I turn towards him only to see him facing the other two boys who were now deadly focused on him.

I turn away and go back to starting the movie as the hand in my hair falls down to my neck sliding into the top of my shirt to rub at my collar bone.

"No, sorry Conner" Jerron speaks first. I continue to ignore it, focus on the screen. Until I notice dinners are starting to be passed out as well. So much is going on.

"Don't apologize to me, your eyes were practically fucking my boyfriend. Apologize to him" I look up shocked at what he says, but he just continues to glare crossing his arms as I turn to look at the two.

"I'm sorry, Callum"

"Yes I'm very sorry" both boys hurry to say their apologies. I play with the fabric of my shirt before looking back up at them.

"Thank you I-" I get cut of before I can tell them I forgive them.

"No you don't forgive them. Don't say it unless you mean and I know you don't mean it. They're stupid assholes who ruined a big chunk of your freshman year" he reminds me. I nod staring back up at him.

"Go back to being annoying over there" Conner waves the two off as I'm kissed once more until it's our turn for dinner.

Conner pulls the table down and grabs two. I huff to myself knowing he forgot, but don't say anything as he pulls my leg over his letting me absorb more of his warmth.

"You are something special" I laugh resting my head on his shoulder as he presses play on our movie.

"My mother says the same thing to me, so thank you" he reaches over to pay my head before pushing my dinner in front of me. I stare at it the thought of eating it making me sick, my stomach it just- it's revolting.

"Thank you... for helping me with everything"

Eat it! Come on- I actually want to eat it this time! I want to eat. For him at least.

You Play the Field - I Play the StringsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora