Chapter 16

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I can't believe I'm here right now. I'm obviously out of place. Still it makes me happy that he even asked. He wants me to be seen as his. I can't help but smile. His jersey fits me well just a little long, but he says that's because he also has to fit all his pads underneath it. I've got his sweatshirt in my arms for when it gets cold. Which will be soon since the sun has started to set.

I got lucky and I'm able to sit right up front in the reserved section thanks to me complaining about being around people and him whining to his coach. I smile thinking about everything he keeps doing for me.

I guess I better focus on the man himself. It's almost the end of the second quarter and Oregon is going against Wisconsin. Oregon is up by 36 points which surprised me considering Conner said that their team really sucks usually.

I watch them line up and Conner shouts a random countries name followed by a color. He is tossed the ball from whoever is in front of him and everybody scrambles while Conner seems to wait. A few moments go by and somebody on the defense side breaks through the one Oregon guy and that's when Conner sends a perfect throw to a waiting teammate who is then able to sprint down and earn them a touchdown.

I jump up dropping the sweatshirt on my lap to clap for my boyfriend especially happy when I can see the smile on his face, the jumbo screen focusing on him for only a second before going back to the guy who had scored the touchdown.
The buzzer buzzes a minute later signaling the end of the half and he rips his helmet off of his head immediately looking to where I am. He finds me in moments and I smile to him getting blown a kiss. I hear the crowd behind me in the bleachers giggle and cheer, but I know it's for me and that's all that matters.

Still I play it off and roll my eyes at it while also brining my fingers to my lips just giving him what he wants before siting back down. He sends me a wink before going to join his team off the field as the halftime show begins.

I throw on his sweatshirt enjoying the soft warmth it brings to my now wind chilled skin. Plus it smells like him. I didn't want to be that weird pervert that like smells my boyfriend all the time but he just smells fucking amazing.

My stomach rumbles and I quickly pat my pocket. I have my wallet and student ID which will get me half off. Knowing that I walk away from my special seat making sure I've got my ticket for re-entry, heading for the closest concession stand that'll give me decent food.

"Awe is big ol Callum actually at a football game!?" A familiar loud voice asks and I ignore it obviously not going to respond to him. Maybe there's another Callum and it's not directed at me. My luck is shit and a hand grabs my wrist making me turn around almost violently.

"Cal?" Cash asks eyes taking in my appearance. I rip my wrist out of his hand, glaring.

"Thought you were on the team, guess I've been booing the wrong guy" he laughs at that before seeming to stare at my sweatshirt.

"Nah Royce and Jerron are, I play soccer" he explains cocking his head to the side.

"You should think about joining a sports team, lose some of the chub-" his eyes seems to catch on to where I was heading and I cringe.

"Were you going to get some food? Callum I'll tell you now that you can do without." He's got me frozen in my place. I suck in my stomach gripping the ends of my sweatshirt sleeves as hard as I can. All I let him see is an eye roll though.

"Why are you even here?" He doesn't seem to let me get a word in.

"I'm supporting-" once again he's got to open his big mouth cutting me right off.

"Who? I doubt anybody actually wants your support. You're embarrassing to look at" I snort at the last comment.

"Your insults are embarrassing. So Cash, do you get off on trying to humiliate me? Nobody else is this rude to me or anybody else so why are you so stuck in highschool trying to make me feel like shit? May I say you're also failing." Well he's kinda been getting to me, but I can't let him know that.

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