[08] hyunjin *oppa*

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"You look like you walked through hell," Felix observed when Chan got out of his car, with Jeongin and I following.

I giggled at the comment, but even more at the response. "I didn't know these two could talk so much," he groaned, pointing at me and Jeongin.

We both shared evil grins as the deep-voiced, blonde Aussie asked, "Okay but... how did them talking to you a lot do that"— he eyed Chan's hair— "to you hair?" I nearly burst out laughing as I ruffled his curly brown hair... again.

Chan glared at me (I'm sure he didn't mean it) and rolled his eyes (playfully) as Felix laughed. "OH MY GOD YOU SHOULD SEE YOU FACE!" He managed to say between laughs, trying to catch his breath. I cracked up, too, when I saw the look of betrayal on Chan's face.

Finally, we both calmed down. "You know, it's pretty crazy that Chris let you touch his hair without killing you," Felix noted, a hint of smugness in his voice. Where was he going with this? "He never lets any of us boys touch it." To demonstrate, he reached his hand towards the older Aussie's head— only for it to be slapped away instantly.

I raised an eyebrow at the two of them as Chan blushed. He was going to say something, but I interrupted. "Chris?" I glanced at both Aussies, and then at Jeongin (who looked as surprised as me), before looking back at the other two boys.

Chan turned crimson, and he rubbed the tips of ears, embarrassed. "Yeah..." He muttered. "Christopher is my English name. Christopher Bang."

I giggled as I tested out his name. "Christopher... Chris... Hmm, I like it." He brightened a little bit when Jeongin agreed with me.

"Do you guys have English names?" Chan— or should I say, Chris— asked. Both of us nodded, and the Aussies looked intrigued.

"Mine is Naomi Bae," I replied instantly. Unlike Chris, I wasn't embarrassed about it. "And Innie's is Bob—"

Jeongin leaped at me, covering my mouth with his hand as I revealed his name. He wasn't mad, but like Chris, he was also embarrassed. But to be honest, I would be, too, if my name was Bob (but don't tell him that).

The Aussie boys cracked up. "Nah— Bob?" The asked between giggles. I joined, and my best friend smacked my arm. Finally, the giggles quieted down as we saw Hyunjin and Seungmin approach us. Did they walk to school together?

"Hi, guys," Hyunjin greeted us when they reached us. "Hello, Bae." Butterflies erupted in my stomach at the nickname. Get a grip, Nabi. It's just your last name.

I grinned back at Hyunjin. "Hello, Hwang." He playfully frowned at the name and lightly flicked my forehead. When I pretended that Inwas in pain, the sweet boy's eyes widened and he apologized.

"Did that hurt? It wasn't supposed to hurt, Bae, I—" I shut him up by pressing my forefinger against his lips in a shh sign confidently— even I was surprised at this sudden burst of confidence. Hyunjin's eyes widened, andI— realizing what I did— removed my finger from his lips.

I looked around to see if any of the other boys had noticed this exchange, and thankfully, they didn't. That was... except Chan.

I wasn't sure why, but he looked a little pissed after seeing our exchange. Was he jealous? I shook myself humorlessly. There was no way Chan would like me in that way— I was too... well, I was too me.


"Okay, Felix, whatever you say so," I told my new friend, rolling my eyes at his latest Fortnite dance.

He looked at me in fake-disgust. "Don't talk to me," he pouted. "I can't befriend anyone who won't do Fortnite dances with me."

I looked at him mischievously. "Who said I wouldn't do them? I just won't say that they're the best dance genre ever." Felix's face lit up in happiness, and I laughed at his joy before whispering, "Meet me after school." The look on his face was priceless, and I skipped to the rest of our friend group for lunch.

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