[26] sleepover

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An hour later it was an hour until midnight, but that didn't stop my house from erupting into chaos. Mother would have been disappointed :D

Next to me sat Yang Jeongin, who was attentively watching 'The Emoji Movie' (recommended by Changbin as a joke) while stuffing popcorn in his face.

Cuddled up next to him was Lee Felix, who seemed content in watching both the movie and the drama playing out in front of us in his blanket burrito. Every once in a while, Jeongin would pop a few pieces of popcorn in his mouth... but not before teasing him a bit.

"Just give me the popcorn, Innie!" Felix exclaimed, unable to do anything do to being in his blanket burrito. Jeongin shook his head and popped it in his own mouth.


I laughed as I watched them banter. I turned my attention to the girls who were doing each other's nails in front of me. Lee Chaeryoung, who was Lia's friend from school was doing Lia's nails while they reminisced funny stories from when they were in school. Next to me, Hwang Yeji, another friend of Lia's (and now mine), was arguing with her twin brother, who was (to my surprise) Hyunjin.

"I didn't know you were friends with Nabi!" Hyunjin exclaimed when he realized that Yeji and I knew each other. "You should've told me!"

Yeji stuck her tongue out at him and gave me a hug while telling him, "Well, sucks to be you, I guess!" She pulled away from me and said, "Don't worry, Jinnie, I won't steal your princess."

I sputtered, but before I could say anything, I heard something crash from the kitchen. "It was nothing!" Lee Minho yelled to us with Han Jisung following him.

"Yup! Just a bowl!" He added.

Hyunjin and Yeji snickered, and I commented, "I wonder what they were doing in there to make a bowl fall."

Behind me, the person doing my hair sighed. "Ah, young love," Na Jaemin (Mark's best friend) sighed dreamily as he braided my hair. "I remember when you fell in love, Mark."

"You're talking about him falling in love with me, I hope?" I heard Lia butt into their conversation, and everyone laughed.

"Of course, princess," he confirmed before kissing her.

I shrieked, "EW! NO PDA!"

Everyone laughed, and Jaemin tickled my neck a little bit. I giggled before saying, "C'mon, Nana. Just because I'm your little-sister replacement doesn't mean you can bully me."

"Aww fine," he pouted and his hands dropped from my hair. He gave me a back hug instead and I giggled again. "Then be for real with me. You like that Hyunjin guy, don't you?"

"NANA!" I exclaimed and looked back at him, shocked. "How did you know?" I mumbled, hiding in his chest.

I knew from some people's looks they probably thought that I like Jaemin, but that wasn't true. Jaemin had been with Mark for the majority of my childhood, and Mark used to come around to our house a lot, so naturally, the two of us had a sibling-like bond.

Jaemin laughed, "It's the way you look at him. Gosh, I'm so old to know this stuff."

"Well, shut up about it then," I responded and returned back to my spot in front of him, my cheeks bright red. Across from me, behind the girls, sat Kim Seungmin, who seemed to notice my cheeks.

I knew he was going to say something, but instead chose to criticize Hyunjin, who was... wearing my hairband?

"I gave it to him," Yeji whispered to me when she noticed where I was looking. "He wanted to have a glow up, so..." We laughed together and I turned my attention back to what the boys were saying.

"What is that?" Seungmin scoffed. I knew he was trying to come off as being mean, but I could see the way his lips were twitching to smile.

Hyunjin rolled his eyes in the most baby girl way ever and checked his nails before sassily replying, "Tch... hairband."

I burst into laughter along with everyone else (again) and found myself rolling onto the floor. That's when I overheard a conversation from behind the couches that was probably supposed to be private.

"Yeah, I like her," Bang Chan confessed. "But I don't know what to do about it because I'm scared she doesn't like me back."

Beside him, I heard Seo Changbin comfort, "Hyung, it's fine even if she doesn't. You should tell her, though, or else you'll regret it."

Before Chan could reply, Minho burst through the kitchen with Jisung behind him holding 3 bottles of alcohol.

My eyes widened and I looked towards Mark. "I bought that for tonight, but you kids weren't supposed to find it..." he explained guiltily.

Changbin butt in. "Let us have some, Mark hyung. Most of us have drunk before, and we're staying the night anyways, so we'll be fine!"

Everyone nodded along, and although I was a bit hesitant, I added, "Yeah, it'll be fun, I guess. As long as you take responsibility for cleaning up and stuff tomorrow so mother doesn't kill me."

Mark glanced at Lia for permission, and when she nodded, he replied with a sigh, "You know what? Fine. Better with supervision than at a high school party."

Everyone cheered loudly and the next few minutes passed by as a blur. Eventually, the couches had been moved to the side, the carpets had been rolled up, and our party of 14 (I think) was sitting in a circle on the floor. I found myself sitting between Hyunjin and Chan, with Lia and Jeongin across from me.

I saw Jeongin mouth "You're screwed," but I chose to ignore it. Finally, everyone had a cup and Minho and Jaemin were passing around the bottles.

"Let's do this in a fun way," Seungmin piped up, and we all looked at him, confused. "Truth or dare. If you back out, you drink."

Chan seemed hesitant. "That could get chaotic..."

Mark bumped his arm playfully. "Relax, Chan. It'll be fun."


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