[34] ajumma ships (slay ajumma!)

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Nabi's POV

"Thank you," I mumbled shyly, walking hand-in-hand with Jinnie in comfortable silence. 

I felt him turn his head towards me, and I looked up at him. Him as in my boyfriend. He cocked his head to the side like a puppy and looked at me curiously. "For what?" 

I found myself leaning into him more as we walked past strangers in the street to school. "For saving me," I replied quietly. "I honestly had no idea what I was doing there."

He quickly responded, "Well, from what I saw, you handled it pretty well for a damsel in distress. Let me guess, you got the idea from a comment section on Wattpad?"

I laughed out loud for the first time in what seemed like a while, even though I knew I was laughing at the sleepover less than 24 hours ago. Jinnie seemed pleased with himself for making me laugh and kissed the side of my head softly. "Where ever you got the idea from, at least I know I have a princess charming to save me because someone's gotta be the damsel in this relationship and it's definitely not you." 

I giggled again, intertwining our fingers together. "I love you, Jinnie," I murmured, still smiling like an idiot. 

He paused for a moment and I looked up at him, worried. They all disappeared when he connected our lips, mumbling, "I love you, too." 

An aujumma who was running a fish cake stall nearby called out to us. "Yah, you two!" We broke apart, looking up at her scary-looking face. Were we in trouble? My worries disappeared when the ajumma broke into a grin and beckoned us to come closer to her. "You two are the cutest couple I've seen in all my days," she told us. She dreamily sighed, "Ah, young love." 

Jinnie and I glanced at each other, surprised but pleased with what she had told us. "You two can have these for free," she told us, handing us each a fish cake on a skewer. "Eat them on your way to school!" 

I shook my head politely. "No, it's okay. I'd feel bad if I—"

"Take it," she scolded, thrusting the cakes in our hands before pushing us closer to each other and away from herself. "Bye-bye!" She yelled at us as we walked away, scared of getting yelled at again. "Have fun~" She ended suggestively, giggling like a little girl. 

My eyes widened when I registered what she had said, and Jinnie choked on his fish cake. I patted his back a few times before he said, "I mean, we could always ditch," he smirked. "Gotta do what the elders want us to do—"

I kicked his chin and he yelped in pain. "Fuck you," I muttered, knowing very well my face was blushing furiously red. 

"I know you'd gladly—"

"YOU HAVE 5 SECONDS TO RUN AWAY, BECAUSE IF I CATCH YOU, HWANG HYUNJIN, YOU'RE DEAD." Jinnie's confident smirk dissapered and was replaced with a nervous look. 


"Are you, uh, actually gonna hurt me?"


"Babe, please, you know I was only joking."


"You know I'd never pressure you, so like—"


He ran towards the school, screaming dramatically like the drama llama he was. 


I got rid of my fake-scary face and laughed, chasing Jinnie through the streets of Seoul as the wind whipped through my hair. (I'm lying; we ran through like 3 short streets and there was no wind, but what's wrong with a bit of romantisizing?)

"No!" Jinnie shreiked as I hugged him from behind, giggling. "Don't hurt me, Princess Charming!" 

I squeezed him and he turned around to face me and I quickly pecked his lips. "I could never hurt you, Jinnie." 

He pouted. "That's a lame kiss." He leaned in to kiss me again, but I put a finger on his lips, slowly pushing him back. "But it was so short." 

God, he whines like a baby. 

God, I love him

"We have to get to school by second block or Mark and Lia will kill us. And that's in, like"— I glanced at my watch— "7 minutes." 



A/N: Helloooooo~ I'm sorry this was just a fluffy filler chapter, but I promise you, the next chapter will have more in it. Warning: the next chapter will likely also talk about and mention potentially sensitive topics such as suicide and depression. As you're reading, just remember this is a FANFICTION and NOT supposed to represent any irl people. My characters were only inspired by SKZ, so please don't come at me.

Other than that, how'd you like the fluff chapter, hm? Idk about you but my heart is soft right now. 

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