[25] lia knows~

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Nabi's POV

I walked next to Lia in the dark, hoping that she wouldn't bring anything up. As soon as we were out of the boys' earshot, however, she spoke up excitedly. "It's him, isn't it? Hyunjin?" I sighed, embarrassed. "Or wait," Lia continued. "Would you rather I call him JiNnIe?" She wiggled her eyebrows and I groaned in annoyance.

"Lia!" I exclaimed, bright red. "Stop it!"

Lia laughed and bumped into me playfully. "It is him, isn't it?" I nodded out of embarrassment (not because I like Hyunjin— why would I be embarrassed about that?— but because Lia was acting like a crazy best friend). "I approve."

I perked up. "What?" Did I mishear her? Aren't your guardians suppose to disapprove of the guy you like and the guy who hits on you?

"I approve of him," she continued. "He seems like a nice kid, treats you right, knows how to treat his elders, and he's overall a great kid."

I found myself smiling ear-to-ear in happiness before I realized, "Wait. How do you know all of that?"

"His sister," Lia responded simply. When I still seemed confused, she explained, "His twin sister Yeji is one of my best friends. I'm surprised he didn't remember me more, but I used to go around to their house all the time when we were younger. Yeji and I kept in touch after I moved to Canada for high school, but I can see why Hyunjin forgot about me."

She seemed a bit sad at the last part, so I gave her a smile and said, "He didn't forget you; I'm sure of it. I think he had a bit of nostalgia." When Lia raised an eyebrow at me, I hurried to add, "It was something in his eyes."

She laughed out loud. "You know, you remind me a lot of myself when I first met Mark. I was in love... just like you."

"Yah! Lia!" I replied indignantly. "Stop it!" She ran away, cackling, and I chased her through the streets until we finally got home, where I found her standing behind Mark in the doorway.

"Mark," she whined like a child. "Your cousin is chasing me."

He rolled his eyes playfully and wagged his finger at me. "Don't chase Lia, angel," he 'scolded', and we all laughed. "Come on, I made dinner."

I raised an eyebrow at him. "Did you make it or order it?"

Lia turned to him with the same look on her face. "She's not wrong," she smirked. "From what I remember, you nearly burnt down my kitchen when you tried to make pancakes because there was too much butter or something."

Mark laughed and scratched the back of his neck, embarrassed. "Yeah, uh, actually, one of Nabi's friends came over and offered to help me. He's a really nice kid, y'know."

I knew exactly who it was and I quickly ran past the couple and into my house, delighted to see my best friend lazing around in my bedroom. "BABY BREAD!" I screamed happily and jumped onto him, tackling him into a hug.

His eyes widened as he saw me and I noticed him grin as he hugged me back. "STRAWBERRY MILK!" He screamed back and we both broke into fits of laughter and fell apart.

When we both finally calmed down, I looked at him with a huge grin on my face. "I'm glad you're here," I said.

"Well, you texted me first, and I've never actually been in your house, so..." He trailed off, and I felt kind of guilty that he wasn't my first friend in my house. "I was the first one here, right?"

Shit, this kid read my mind.

My eyes widened, and I sputtered, "Well, uh, you see, the thing is—"

"Well you obviously don't have any girlfriends, so I'm assuming it's a guy?" He cut in, and my eyes widened even further. He knew me too well. Jeongin smirked at me and came closer to me. "Was it... Hyunjin?"

I screeched and he laughed evilly, knowing he had me cornered. At the sudden sound, Mark and Lia also burst into my room, panting as though they had run there. "Is— everything— alright?" Mark panted, looking at both of us with wide eyes.

"Well actually, did you know that Nabi here had a bo—"

I screamed to cover up whatever he was going to say and jumped towards my best friend, slapping my hand against his mouth. "Nothing!" I chuckled awkwardly and loudly. "Haha! Silly goose, Jeongin." I glared at Jeongin, telling him to shut the fuck up with my eyes.

"Okay..." Mark trailed off and left the room. Lia looked me in the eye and mouthed you better tell me, angel, before leaving the room, shutting the door behind her. I looked back at Jeongin and he licked my hand.

"EW!" I exclaimed, wiping my hand on his t-shirt. "Gross!"

Jeongin raised an eyebrow at me. "You know what else is gross? The fact that Hyunjin was here in your bedroom. What did you guys even do?"

We spent the next hour talking about our love lives in my room (Mark had brought us dinner in my room, something I had never experienced before). Most of our conversation was just Jeongin annoying me about Jinnie, though, since he had only ended up befriending Seungmin's sister and nothing more.

At 10 PM, Lia knocked on my door and entered the room, interrupting us at the perfect moment (Jeongin was singing "Nabi and Hyunjin, sitting in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G," while I was trying to get him to shut up).

"Yo, Nabi?" She asked nervously, and I hummed in response. "Do you wanna invite some of your friends over for a sleepover? I think it'll be fun since Mark is inviting a few of his friends and I'll invite a few of mine. What do you think?"

I think it sounds great, to be honest. "Sure, I'd love to!" I exclaimed and her eyes lit up. "But, um, it wouldn't be a problem if all my friends are boys, right...?"

Lia shook her head her. "Nope," she replied, popping the 'p'. "Call them over. I hope it's not too late..."

As I punched in my friends' numbers, I could only think of one thing: You're like an older sister, Lia. You're the best.


A/N: Short chapter, but a long one is coming ahead! Is there anything anyone wants to see in it? (Maybe some Truth Or Dare... and I might reveal some information about Nabi's stalker... (ik you forgot about him)).

✓ sorry, i love you || hwang hyunjinOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant