[15] help me

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After I had seen Seungmin's plea to reply on Instagram, I had texted his number immediately.

Bibi 🦋
What happened?
Are u ok?

Min 🐶
yeah i am
scratch that
i'm not

Bibi 🦋
what's wrong?

Min 🐶
a lot, actually
i just realized how fucked up life can be
can u meet me at lunch tmr?

Bibi 🦋
yeah ofc
i'm always here for u <3

Min 🐶

And that was why I was standing where I was now— in the middle of a busy restaurant near our school at a table for two, waiting for Seungmin to show up. "Can I get you anything, dear?" A waitress asked, and I smiled at her politely.

"No, thanks, halmeoni, just a plain water for now," I responded sweetly, and she returned my smile before walking away. I glanced at my watch. Where was Seungmin?

As if on cue, the boy rushed through the door, panting, as though he had run here. He scanned the room before he made eye contact with me, and he gave me a weak smile and wave as he walked over. He sat across from me.

"Hey Bee," he greeted, and I noticed a thin line of sweat on his forehead.

I frowned at him in concern. "Are you okay? You look exhausted..." The old waitress from earlier returned with a glass of water, looking at the two of us with a suggestive smirk and a glint in her eye.

"You should have told me you have a boyfriend," she said to me as she gave me the glass of water. "I should have assumed that a beautiful girl like yourself would have one."

My eyes widened when I processed what she'd said. "Halmeoni!" I exclaimed, my face blushing bright red. "We're not dating!"

The lady paid no heed to my words and looked at Seungmin as she said, "You better treat her well, young man. Don't cheat on her with anyone else... you're quite attractive, so I'd guess you have many who want to date you." It was Seungmin's turn to blush now, and the both of us were blushing messes.

The halmeoni winked at me before walking away, leaving us in the silence. I passed the glass of water across the table. "Here, Min, you need this more than me," I told him, my face burning and my eyes looking downwards at my lap in embarrassment.

I could feel Seungmin's smirk as he drank the water. "You look like a strawberry, princess," he said, and I looked up in surprise. How had the puppy-like boy turned into such a flirt all of a sudden?

"YAH!" I said indignantly. "Says the strawberry."

He smirked again, and I found myself admiring him. He's really pretty, I thought to myself as I took in his appearance. His uniform was snug on his chest, and for the first time, I realized how much he must work out. He was skinny strong, and it looked really good on him. His dark hair was dyed blonde at the bangs, and it looked so cute. There was a sheen of sweat on his face (shit, his eyes were pretty) which made him look...

There was no other way to say this.

He looked fucking hot.

"Bee," he whined at me, and I was snapped out of my daze. "Stop checking me out."

I choked on my saliva. "I'm not checking you out!" I insisted.

He rolled his eyes playfully. "Alright, whatever," he replied. His demeanor became more serious (and it turned back to his usual puppy-like cuteness... not saying he wasn't still hot, though) as he continued, "I... need you help. Well... both you and Jeongin."

"What's up?" I asked immediately. I would do anything I could to help him; it sounded serious.

Seungmin took a sip out of his water before speaking. "Well... my family is really orthodox, and they want me and my sisters to get married ASAP. My older sister has a boyfriend, and my parents are happy about it. They want me and my younger sister to start dating so we can get married soon.

"Until now, the both of us were able to dodge the bullet, but my grandmother got sick recently, and she keeps insisting that she wants to see all of her grandchildren married before she dies— or at least, dating." I bit back a gasp. Min was only 17— he was way too young to get married, especially if he didn't want to!

Seungmin's face darkened. "My mother says that if the both of us don't start dating within a week, then she'll get us engaged to these rude bitches who are the children of her so-called rich 'friends'.

"I don't want to get married, Nabi, not to someone I don't truly love," he begged.

I observed the boy's face. It looked as though he were about to cry, so I moved my chair to his side of the table and gave him a hug. He accepted it, his chin burying itself into the nook of my neck as though we had hugged many times before.

And strangely enough, it felt natural. Comfortable.

A few seconds later, Seungmin pulled out of the hug, his eyes slightly red. Just seeing the sweet boy made me want to cry. "Is there anything I can do, Minnie?" I asked him, my voice laced with concern.

Min nodded. "Actually... yeah," he mumbled. "My parents want me to introduce them to my 'girlfriend'... but I don't actually have to date her."

I nodded slowly, understanding where he was going, but unclear on what he wanted me to do. "And I can help by...?"

He looked me in the eye. "I need you to be my girlfriend." I looked at Seungmin and noticed the desperation in his eyes.

"I'll do anything you need me to." 


A/N: Dun dun DUNNNNNNNN! We have some spice going on... do you think Nabi is catching feelings for Seungmin? And how do you think the fake-dating is going to go? From all my k-drama watching experence... I think they're going to fall for each other

But uh... you didn't hear it from me ;)

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