[18] lunch at minnie's (his mom is scary)

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"Hello, Ms. Kim," I bowed low in front of a strict-looking woman who called herself Seungmin's mom. "My name is Bae Nabi, and I am Seungmin's girlfriend." She looked at me with a blank face.

Next to me, Jeongin also bowed. "My name is Yang Jeongin, and I'm dating Hana," he introduced, trying to keep a smile on his face. The air was so tense that I could almost feel it.

Ms. Kim examined us before breaking a smile. "It's lovely to meet you two. I was starting to think Seungmin and Hana here are gay," she joked, and I awkwardly chuckled along.

"It's lovely to meet you, too," Jeongin told her. "You look beautiful, but not as beautiful as my jagiya." I nearly laughed at that— forget pretending to be Hana's boyfriend; this guy was living his dream as he fake-dated his crush.

Ms. Kim smiled, and Hana (who was really pretty, I had to admit) blushed. I looked at Seungmin who was clearly thinking the same things as me. He definitely likes her.

"Please, come inside," Ms. Kim welcomed us, and the four of us entered Seungmin's house. My jaw dropped slightly in awe. He was rich. Realizing that I probably looked strange, I straightened my posture and hooked my arm around Seungmin's, trying to make this as believable as possible.

I smiled at Ms. Kim, responding, "Your house looks lovely, Ms. Kim." She smiled at me again. How much can this woman smile? Do her cheeks not hurt?

She was going to say something, but Hana spoke up, saying, "Mom, we're going to go to the bonus room, okay? Call us down when lunch is ready."

Ms. Kim's lips thinned, and it looked like she was about to argue with her daughter. She must have realized that Jeongin and I were there, however, so instead she told us, "Alright, then. Be down in 10 minutes."

Jeongin and I bowed deeply once again before rushing to follow Seungmin and Hana out of the room. Finally, we arrived in the bonus room, and Jeongin and I slumped.

"She's scary," the both of us said together, and the siblings laughed.

"Yeah, we know," Seungmin said. "Anyways, thank you guys so much for agreeing to this. You have no idea how much this means to us."

"Of course," I replied with a grin. "I mean, what are friends for?" Maybe I was imagining it, but Seungmin's smile dropped for a second.

His sister must have noticed, because she cut in, "Anyways, mom and dad are going to be there at lunch. Grandma is thankfully sleeping, so you won't be interrogated too much. I think mom already likes you two, so you're good."

Jeongin and I nodded.

The four of us talked for a while before Seungmin's mom called us down for lunch. I must have looked scared, because Seungmin wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me closer. I'd be lying if I said I didn't feel any butterflies. "You're going to do great, princess," he whispered, his breath tickling my ear. "You're already perfect in my eyes; I'm sure my mom will see it, too."

For a second, it felt like I was really dating him.

"Come on, lovebirds," Hana called from further ahead, breaking our bubble.

I responded, "Yeah, coming."

Hana, Jeongin, Seungmin, and I made our way to the dining room— which looked so expensive. There was a massive chandelier over the center of the table (which probably wouldn't even fit in my bedroom). We sat next to each other, across from Seungmin's parents.

A waiter (holy shit, they have a waiter?!) brought over some food, and although I was tempted to take a lot, I decided on being a 'lady' and took the bare minimum, just like Hana. Seungmin's dad struck up a conversation with Jeongin, so his mother turned to me.

"So, Nabi, what do you do for a living?" She asked, and I nearly choked on my kimbap.

Seungmin rubbed my back softly as he told his mother, "Mom, she's literally in high school. She's a full time student."

His mom looked surprised at her son's outburst and seemed to smile. "Do you love her, Min?" She asked out of the blue.

Seungmin blushed a bit and seemed nervous at the question, so I intertwined our fingers underneath the table, giving his hand a soft squeeze. You can do it.

"Yeah, I really do, mom," he mumbled, a foolish grin on his face. "I think she's the one for me." Once again, it felt like this was real.

Snap out of it, Bae. You're only pretending to be his girlfriend.

I blushed at his response and pretended to be shy as I leaned into my fake boyfriend. "You're embarrassing me, Minnie," I mumbled with a small smile. My cheeks hurt.

His mother laughed at our interaction, and I realized that I had completed what I had come here for. His parents believed that we were dating; we did it.

I gave Minnie's hand another squeeze under the table and we shared a smile. Mission accomplished


A/N: Woo I feel like I'm on a roll. I just wanted to let you guys know that these chapters are heavily unedited, so I'm really sorry if there are any weird errors and things 😭 I hope you have a great day/night :D

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