[14] quokkas can braid?

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"Yah! Quokka!" I whined, slapping Jisung's hand away from my hair. "Stop playing with it!"

Jisung pouted. "But your hair is so fun to braid," he told me innocently. I looked him dead in the eye. "Okay, how about you let me continue braiding until the end of class, hm? It's only 5 minutes," he pleaded.

"Fine," I gave in. It was kind of relaxing having someone braid your hair. "Wait, Han," I started, remembering something. "Have you seen my phone?"

The boy thought before he responded, "No, I don't think I've seen it since lunch. Maybe you left it at the table?"

I hummed in agreement. "Yeah, maybe." I looked up at our teacher— an old man with really bad hearing. He didn't care about what we did in class as long as we passed the final exams, and honestly, I was fine with that.

I let my mind wander to the events of earlier today as Jisung played with my soft hair, my head in his lap as I sat on the ground in front of him.

When Chan and I had spent the night together over the phone (shit, that made it sound worse than what actually happened), I had felt a warm sense of happiness. It felt like there was someone out there who just maybe loved me. But when Hyunjin leaned in later in the morning, it felt as though there was a goddamn zoo in my stomach. My skin had felt all tingly, like there was electricity flowing through my veins— even though he only plucked something off my hair, saying there was 'lint' there.

(I didn't believe him.)

He had smirked at me after, knowing what effect he had on me. That boy is going to be the end of me. My face unknowingly lit up at the thought of him, a smile gracing my lips.

Jisung noticed. "Who could the princess be thinking about?" He mused out loud. I tilted my head backwards onto his lap to look him in the eye. "C'mon, who are you thinking about?"

I shook my head with a mischievous smile. "That's for me to know and you to guess, Sungie."

He quirked an eyebrow at me. "So if I guess, will you tell me?"

"Hmm... maybe I will."

Jisung opened his mouth to say something, but someone we knew walked into the class and towards us. "Hey, Jisung, Nabi," the boy greeted. He eyed Jisung and I strangely, but I brushed it off. It's probably nothing.

"Oh, hey Changbin!" I responded. "Why are you— oh! Is that my phone?"

Changbin nodded, a strange glint in his eye for a second. "Yeah, I found it in the cafeteria. This is yours, right?"

I nodded gratefully as I took it from him. "It is. Thank you so much for finding it!"

"It was nothing," the short boy smiled back. "Do you wanna go out with me later?"

I choked on my saliva, and I wasn't the only one who was taken aback at the bluntness— Jisung's hand had frozen in my hair. "What?" I replied. Great going. I love my vocab.

Changbin seemed to have realized that his statement sounded a bit... suggestive, so he improvised, "I mean, to hang out. You know, like going to a convenience store or the park or something?"

Jisung's hands relaxed, and so did I. "I'm sorry, I can't today," I told him. "I'm tutoring someone today, so I'm busy."

Changbin's fist unconsciously tightened, and I felt a glimpse of fear run through me. Shut up, Bae, I told myself. You're overreacting. "So you're prioritizing Minho over me?" Changbin asked with a little bit of hostility in his voice.

Hold up.

"I didn't tell you it was Minho," I told him at the same time as Jisung, whose hands were no longer playing with my hair and were on my shoulders protectively.

Changbin stuttered, "Oh-I, uh- Minho, uh, told me?" I opened my mouth to question him further because something just didn't sit right with me, but the bell rang and he backed up and out of the classroom. "Bye, ba—" Was all I heard over the chatter of my classmates around me, getting ready to go home.

I glanced at my phone before tossing it into my backpack as I said to Jisung, "I know this might sound a bit... odd, but is it just me, or is there something weird going on with Changbin?"

Jisung's eyes hardened slightly as he responded, "I'm... not sure. All I know is that he has somewhat of a narcissistic personality disorder, and once he decides to crush on him, he sticks to them like a leach. And sometimes it can harm them."

My heart paused. "What do you mean?"

As he zipped up his backpack, he said, "I don't know the full story, but you ought to be careful. For me, okay Bibi?" He looked me in the eye as he said the last bit, and the warmth in his eyes nearly made me cry.

Instantly, I hugged him. "Don't worry, Sung. I'll be careful."

"Hey, am I interrupting something here?" A teasing voice cut in, and I jumped a mile away from Jisung.

"Oh. Hi, Minho," I replied, blushing slightly.

He looked at the both of us and shook his head. "You know what? I don't even want to know. We gotta go though, Nabi," he told me. I nodded as I zipped up my bag, the sound echoing through the now-empty classroom.

"Alright, then. Bye, quokka!" I responded, and Minho and I left the room (after I gave Jisung one last hug, of course).

And although it was just me and Minho now, I couldn't help but think...

What was up with Changbin? And did it have anything to do with me?


A/N: Omggg y'all I am doing so good 💪on a streak, I swear. I should really be studying for finals, though 😭 Anyways, who do you think is stalking Nabi? And what do you think is up with Changbin..? Also, do you guys have any suggestions for scenes in the book? If you do, message me, or just comment whenever (I could really use the ideas hehe). Have a good day/night, wherever you are :)

OH also, I might not add songs in the description for each chapter if I can't find anything ;-; 

✓ sorry, i love you || hwang hyunjinΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα