[27] truth or dare?

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Hyunjin was the first one to speak up. "Can I go first?"

Everyone hummed in response, and Jinnie looked at Yeji, who was sitting between Chaeryoung and Seungmin. "Yeji, truth or dare?"

"Dare, duh," she rolled her eyes, and I heard a few people laugh.

Hyunjin smirked evilly. "Play duck-duck-goose with Seungmin, and whoever loses has to sit in the other's lap."

My jaw slacked when I noticed the way both of them were blushing furiously. "I— I guess so. I never turn down a dare."

Seungmin, that poor boy, got ready to sprint around the circle, hoping that no one saw his face.

"Duck duck goose!" Hyunjin exclaimed happily, and the players ran around the circle, hoping to be faster. When Yeji crossed Hyunjin, however, she slowed down for half a second to hit his head, and that was where she messed up.

Seungmin won, and he collapsed onto the floor, panting. "That's enough physical activity for a week," he muttered. Yeji— who had just barely lost— couldn't stop fast enough and ended up tripping and falling onto Seungmin.

What in the kdrama world is this? I wondered to myself as everyone laughed at the two. Yeji was glaring at Hyunjin with bright red cheeks, and Seungmin looked at me pleading for help in his eyes, looking like a strawberry.

I shook my head and stuck my tongue out at him micheviously. He pouted like a puppy before flipping me off.

"So... Yeji," Hyunjin began. "I guess you have to sit on Seungmin's lap." Yeji glared at him before doing so. They both looked so awkward I couldn't help but let out a small laugh, and soon enough, everyone was laughing their asses off over how cute Yeji and Seungmin were together.

Eventually, everyone quieted down. "Hmm... truth or dare, Jaemin?" She asked.

"Truth," the pink-headed boy responded cheerily.

Yeji smirked micheviously and asked, "Who do you like?"

I looked at him curiously. I knew he liked Chaeryoung, but to quote him, "She is too much of a bad bitch for me." Would he tell everyone?

He didn't.

Instead, he wordlessly gulped down a shot of the alcohol. Everyone was at the edge of their seats, now extremely curious as to who Jaemin liked, but he pretended he didn't know and moved on in the game. "Changbin, truth or dare?"

Yeji's POV

The game moved on really quickly, and I noticed a lot of people choosing to drink. Cowards. I kind of wish I didn't do my dare; I really wanted to drink right now.

I realized my skirt had hiked up a bit too far up my thigh, so I wriggled a bit, trying to fix it without anyone noticing. I forgot I was sitting on Seungmin.

Holy fucking shit, I panicked when I felt him move a bit underneath me. I felt something hard underneath me, and I knew very well what that could be, but I chose to ignore it. Seungmin, too, chose to ignore it and pulled down his shirt to cover his pants.

I think that's when he realised why I was moving, and he brought his arms around my waist and hugged me from behind. I felt myself blushing before I realized why he did it. He pulled down my skirt back to its original length.

"Thanks," I muttered, loud enough for him to hear me. I felt him come in closer and his hot breath tickled my ear.

"I don't want anyone else seeing you like that, queen," he whispered, and it took everything in me to not let out a squeal.

✓ sorry, i love you || hwang hyunjinTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang