Sports festival Pt. 2

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Y/N: 'Well shit.......'

Y/N said while seeing everyone's eyes laid on Midoriya. Midnight began to speak out the Rules for the Cavalry Battle.

Midnight: Now then, I'll explain the rules of Cavalry Battle. The time limit is fifteen minutes. Each team is worth the total of its member's points, and the rider's will wear a headband with that number on their foreheads. Teams will try to grab each other's headbands until time runs out, and try to keep as many points as they can. Stolen headbands must be worn from the neck up. So the more you steal, the harder it'll be to manage them! And the most important thing is that even if your headband gets stolen, or your team falls, you're not out!

Y/N: OK.

Midnight: During the game, it'll be cruel fight where you can use your Quirks. But it is still a Cavalry battle. You'll get a red card for attacks that are trying to make people Fall purpose! You'll be removed immediately!

Bakugo: Damn.

A fifteen seconds timer began to appear on the Hologram Monitor.

Midnight: Now, you have fifteen minutes to build your team. Start!

As Midnight spoke, the students began to Build their Teams, While Deku Was Worried That No one wants to build team with him

Izuku: As I thought, No one wants to Try to keep the points for the whole game. It'd be a better strategy to try to steal the points at the end. And unlike Todoroki or Bakugo, I didn't use my quirk, so no one has confidence in me.....

Uraraka: Deku!

Izuku Turned to see Uraraka calling his name.

Uraraka: Let's be a team!

Izuku: Uraraka! I-Is it really okay? Everyone'll probably be after me because of my ten million points!

Uraraka: If we run away the whole time, then you'll win, right?

Izuku: I-I think you are overestimating me, Uraraka...

Uraraka: Like I would! Anyways, it's better to team up with people you get along with!

Izuku: I wanted to team up with you, too. Thanks! For teams it's best to be with people you can communicate with smoothly, right?

Uraraka: Yup, yup!

Uraraka Answered While Nodding.

Izuku: Actually with your Quirk and one other person.........I though of a Plan!

Izuku said while Turning his head Towards Lida and began to Approach him.

Izuku: Lida.

Lida Turned to see both Izuku and Uraraka as Izuku began to Discuss his plan.

Izuku: The three of us would Be horses with Lida in front! And then, if we use Uraraka' quirk to make Lida and me lighter, we'd be able to Maneuver easily.

Uraraka: I see!

Izuku: It's better to have someone physically strong as the rider, but I haven't decided who.......Anyway, this is all I could think of to keep running away until end....

Lida: I expected no less, Midoriya.....But I am Afraid I have to refuse.

Hearing Lida's words Made both Izuku And Uraraka Surprised.

Lida: Ever since the entrance Exam, I just keep losing to you. You are a wonderful friend, but that's why, if I just keep following you, I will never grow up.

Lida said while Adjusting his Glasses and looking directly at Izuku.

Lida: Bakugo and Todoroki aren't the only ones who see you as a rival. I will challenge you.

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