Chaos War-2

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Daimon: So....What about them? (Points at N'Gabthoth and rest of the Mindless ones.)

Scarlett: I think it is Obvious, We need to beat the shit out of them.

N'Gabthoth unleashed a wave of dark energy, forcing the Midnight Sons and their allies to regroup. Scarlet, wielding her crimson-glowing sword, rallied alongside Chiyo, their combined power creating a barrier to counter the dark onslaught. As the battle raged on, the ground beneath them trembled, echoing the intensity of the conflict.

In a decisive move, Chiyo summoned forth eldritch energies, entwining them with the mystic flames of the Midnight Sons. Together, they launched a coordinated assault on N'Gabthoth, exploiting his momentary vulnerability. The clash of forces created a blinding spectacle, illuminating the battlefield with a surreal radiance.

Seeing the Opportunity Man Thing surged forward with a primal determination. His form, composed of twisted vines and muck, clashed with the nightmarish visage of N'Gabthoth. The ground trembled beneath their titanic struggle, echoing the raw power being unleashed.

With limbs of gnarled wood and mud, Man-Thing swung forth, his strikes resonating with the might of the swamp. Each blow seemed to carry the fury of nature itself, reverberating through the grounds.


MK: Still falling....

The group found themselves plummeting into the dark abyss. The air whistled past them as they descended into the unknown depths of Yomi.

Blaze: Hah! I've made grander entrances, but this one's a thrill!

Blade: Stick close and watch yourselves. Yomi doesn't seem like a tourist-friendly spot.

They plummeted further into the abyss, unsure of what awaited them in the enigmatic realm of the dead.


Amidst the chaos of the otherworldly conflict between Chaos King and Shuma-Gorath, Deadpool watched the clash with a mix of excitement and curiosity.

Deadpool: Whoa! Talk about a cosmic smackdown! Look at these two big guys throwing punches! Reminds me of that time I wrestled with a space walrus... don't ask. Anyway, I've got front-row seats to the end of the world! Popcorn, anyone?

Mikaboshi: (Blocks attack from Shuma-Gorath) DIE!!

Mikaboshi fueled with Rage, Punched the Angled-One into the next Dimension.

Deadpool: Jesus...(eats Popcorn)

In Yomi.

Izuku: (Turns to others) Ready?

All Students, Except Bakugo, Nodded. The whole Class 1-A were wearing their own respective Hero outfits and Began to Walk out of the room. Suddenly they heard strange noises coming from Various Directions.

Uraraka: Wh-What was that?

The students readied themselves to prepare to face what was coming for them...


Suddenly a shadowy, menacing tentacle head creature slithered breached the Walls

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Suddenly a shadowy, menacing tentacle head creature slithered breached the Walls. As much as They wanted to fight, Seeing the Monstrosity like this for the First time, The students Jumped back In fear. All Students were frozen due to fear but unlike The others, Bakugo began to Blast at the Creature's Face.

The Creature exploded instantly Due to the Blast and his Remains Scattered all over the place. The students Were Relieved to see this since, they won't able to Deal with the Creature again....or so they Thought.

Their hopes were short-lived as the scattered remnants began to tremble and converge. To their shock and dismay, the shattered pieces swiftly reformed, coalescing back into the ominous, undeterred creature.

Bakugo, tried to attack for the second time, however this time, the creature began to Absorb the Attack like nothing.

Denki: Yep, We are dead.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2023 ⏰

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